Bugfix * Example data (blobs.tif) wasn't deployed (Thanks to psobolewskiPhD for reporting)
Bugfixes: * Pulldown entries should be readable again. The width limit was removed
See also https://github.com/clEsperanto/pyclesperanto_prototype/blob/master/docs/release_notes.md#0150---february-12th-2022
Bugfix: * "Filter labels" category didn't result in labels
New features * Save workflow function (thanks to Johannes Müller jo-mueller and Ryan Savill Cryaaa) * Better error reporting in case operations fail * New layout (Thanks to Elisabeth Kugler ElisabethKugler, Kesavan Subburam pskeshu, Andreas Müller, Michael Morehead mmorehea and "MadScientist" for constructive feedback via twitter)
Upstream changes in pyclesperanto_prototype: https://github.com/clEsperanto/pyclesperanto_prototype/blob/master/docs/release_notes.md#0120---january-1st-2022
Documentation bugfix: * Removed EDAM ontology temporarily as it was spaming the napari hub page