Bugfix * Generated code didn't work properly in 3D cases
New features * Integration of the napari-script-editor for easier script generation * The "Measure" button is back to the Assistant user interface giving easier access to tabular results data
New features * optional cupy backend in pyclesperanto-prototype 0.11.0 ([read more](https://github.com/clEsperanto/pyclesperanto_prototype/blob/master/docs/release_notes.md#0110---november-16th-2021)) * use table from napari-skimage-regionprops for showing statistical measurements
New features * Connected Component labeling in the Tools > Segmentation menu * Voronoi-Otsu-labeling in the Tools > Segmentation menu * Use the time-slicer for these two new function when processing timelapse data
Bug fixes * Copying and saving tables did't work (Thanks to Laura Žigutytė lazigu for reporting)
Bugfix: * Removed dyfunctional operations from the "Label processing" category
See also: https://github.com/clEsperanto/pyclesperanto_prototype/blob/master/docs/release_notes.md#0108