* :issue:`442`: bug fix: fixes MemoryError when data is larger than memory in paint(); adds `paint_chunk_size` default option
* :issue:`440`: Selection, Value, Weight specified as "default" columns; default columns are not saved to disk
* :issue:`437`: bug fix: make sure to copy attributes of catalog when copy() is called
* :issue:`436`: FFT-based correlation function algorithm, FFTCorr addded
* :issue:`435`: binder badge added to README and documentation for cookbook recipes
* :issue:`433`: by default, the header file will be found automatically in Bigfile
* :issue:`429,432`: updates to documentation
* :issue:`430`: fix bug in FOF due to stricter numpy casting rules in numpy 1.13.3
* :issue:`428`: fixes bug in painting normalization when using interlacing is used
* :issue:`422`: proper list of attributes/methods added to documentation of Cosmology class
* :issue:`425`: latex requirement removed from ``notebook.mplstyle`` style file
* :issue:`423`: support for Gadget 1 file format