* :issue:`359`: CSVFile and CSVCatalog no longer fail to read the last line of data when the file does not end in a newline
* :issue:`361`: add CylindricalGroups algorithm for computing groups of objects using the cylindrical grouping method of arXiv:1611.04165
* :issue:`355`: SimulationBoxPairCount and SurveyDataPairCount classes added to perform pair counting of objects in either simulation boxes or from survey data catalogs (using ``Corrfunc`` code)
* :issue:`370`: large addition of documentation for version 0.2.x; still partially completed
* DataSet has been renamed to BinnedStatistic
* calculation of ``dk`` fixed in ProjectedFFTPower
* paint() supports a Nmesh parameter, for easier re-sampling of mesh objects
* :issue:`368`: addition of ``Value`` column for painting mesh objects; this represents the value of the field painted, i.e., unity to paint density, or velocity to paint momentum (number-weighted velocity)
* addition of style module with matplotlib style sheet to make nice plots in our doc tutorials; this makes the docs reproducible by users
* transform.vstack deprecated in favor of transform.StackColumns
* transform.concatenate deprecated in favor of transform.ConcatenateSources
* when painting catalogs to a mesh, users can specify the position column to use via the ``position`` keyword
* :issue:`142`: MultipleSpeciesCatalog object added to support painting multiple species of particles to the same mesh, i.e, baryons and dark matter particles in hydro simulations
* CatalogMeshSource renamed to CatalogMesh internally
* can now delete a column from a CatalogSource
* can now slice a CatalogSource using a list of column names
* :issue:`373`: fix bug in ConstantArray when length is 1