* Minor coloring in tournaments
* Adding plot_stats() and stat_names to World
* Always using sync-calls when debugging
* Testing hidden time limit
* Better ufun generation. negmas.preferences.generators now have two functions:
generate_single_issue_ufuns and generate_multi_issue_ufuns. These can be
used to generate ufuns using any generator in the GENERATOR_MAP with
full control:
- can control issue, outcome and ufun names
- can control reserved values and/or rational fractions
- can control the type: numeric/string issues and linear-additive/mapping ufuns
* MappingUFun returns -inf for non-existing outcomes
* Now mapping ufuns will return 0.0 for unknown values not None
* bugfix: fixing activity level and other stat calculation
* Adding generate_multi_issue_ufuns. This generator generates a set of ufuns for a multi-issue scenario with
controllable pareto generators
* Adding plotting to Scenario
* doc: removing svg explicit setting