
Latest version: v0.10.23

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* Adding TimeBasedOfferingStrategy
* bugfix: Incorrect scenario names sometimes. Caused by updating the same scenario object in multiple consecutive runs specially when running serial tournaments.
* feature: Negotiator logs in mechanisms

- Negotiators can use self.nmi.log_info to log information in the
mechanism that is accessible for any one who can access the mechanism.
log_warning, log_error, log_debug, log_critical are also available.
- Logs are stored as structured dicts that will be converted to data
frames. IT IS NECESSARY for all logs with the same key to have the
same EXACT keys and it is recommended for their values to have the
same type.
- Cartesian tournaments will now save these logs after the mechanism
ends if any are given and logging is enabled (i.e. path is passed to


- You MUST pass a key (nid) to all log functions. If two different
negotiators passed the same key, these logs will be combined in a
single file. This may be too cooperative and confusing!!
- The logs are not returned in SimpleTournamentResults. If you need
to read the logs you must save logs to the HDD. This is by design
because these logs may be too large and keeping them to return them
after the tournament may consume too much memory. Currently, they
will be deleted from memory with the mechanism.



* bugfix: Distributing integers correctly when approximate equality is wanted
* bugfix: Caretsian tournaments not varying n_steps
* bugfix: sample_between failing on small ranges



* Correcting the path to the genius bridge
* Adding plotting of offline runs
* Better styling of plots
* removing n_trials from generate_utility (not needed)
* Full testing of ufun generators
* Passing private_infos to cartesian tournaments
* bugfix: Private info not passed from SAONegotiator
* Supporting yaml for saving and loading domains



* Adding exception handling and testing Cartesian Tournaments
* Adding ufun generators with controlled Pareto
* Stopping saving "stats.json" in tournaments. stats.csv contains the same information
* Allowing nash calculation without ufuns
* Exception handling in cartesian tournaments. Note that I assume that ignore_negotiator_exceptions can be passed to the mechanism class
* intin and floatin in the helpers to sample.
* Saving negotiator times in cartesian
* Adding execution_time to cartesian logs
* Finer conntrol on timing in Cartesian tournaments. Also recording negotiator times
* Adding negotiator_times to Mechanisms
* Finer control on mechanism printing
* Ignoring some typing errors
* Passing plot_params in cartesian_tournament


* Saving path and controlling name-shortening in tournaments


* Adding the ability to hide types in cartesian_tournament
* Name but not ID reveals type cartesian_tournament by default
* Removing neg/agent_names from NMI. Now negotiators have access to each other's ID but not name by default
* Correcting sorter negotiator

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