New features * Added rates for tools and consumables. To implement your own rates lookup, see [the rates file]( * Tools a user is not qualified to use will now be grayed out (but not disabled) in the sidebar
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New features * Added sounds and background colors for when logging out of an area * Added warning when user is still logged on to some tools
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Bug Fix * fixed the content of the task updated email. It was formatted as text but should have been html
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Bug Fix * fixed an error when preferences are not defined
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New features * Added user preferences and added the option to receive ICS calendar invites (via user preferences) when creating and cancelling reservations
* Added a request parameter 'no_header' that can be used to hide the header on NEMO pages. for example "/status_dashboard/tools?no_header=true". This can be useful to display read-only information on screens outside the labs.