This release requires Python 3.8 and Jax 0.4.
New Features
* {class}`netket.callbacks.EarlyStopping` now supports relative tolerances for determining when to stop [1481](
* {class}`netket.callbacks.ConvergenceStopping` has been added, which can stop a driver when the loss function reaches a certain threshold [1481](
* A new base class {class}`netket.operator.DiscreteJaxOperator` has been added, which will be used as a base class for a set of operators that are jax-compatible [1506](
* {func}`netket.sampler.rules.HamiltonianRule` has been split into two implementations, {class}`netket.sampler.rules.HamiltonianRuleJax` and {class}`netket.sampler.rules.HamiltonianRuleNumba`, which are to be used for {class}`~netket.operator.DiscreteJaxOperator` and standard numba-based {class}`~netket.operator.DiscreteOperator`s. The user-facing API is unchanged, but the returned type might now depend on the input operator [1514](
* {class}`netket.operator.PauliStringsJax` is a new operator that behaves as {class}`netket.operator.PauliStrings` but is Jax-compatible, meaning that it can be used inside of jax-jitted contexts and works better with chunking. It can also be constructed starting from a standard Ising operator by calling `operator.to_jax_operator()` [1506](
* {class}`netket.operator.IsingJax` is a new operator that behaves as `netket.operator.Ising` but is Jax-compatible, meaning that it can be used inside of jax-jitted contexts and works better with chunking. It can also be constructed starting from a standard Ising operator by calling `operator.to_jax_operator()` [1506](
* Added a new method {meth}`netket.operator.LocalOperator.to_pauli_strings` to convert {class}`netket.operator.LocalOperator` to {class}`netket.operator.PauliStrings`. As PauliStrings can be converted to Jax-operators, this now allows to convert arbitrary operators to Jax-compatible ones [1515](
* The constructor of {meth}`~netket.optimizer.qgt.QGTOnTheFly` now takes an optional boolean argument `holomorphic : Optional[bool]` in line with the other geometric tensor implementations. This flag does not affect the computation algorithm, but will be used to raise an error if the user attempts to call {meth}`~netket.optimizer.qgt.QGTOnTheFly.to_dense()` with a non-holomorphic ansatz. While this might break past code, the numerical results were incorrect.
Breaking Changes
* The first two axes in the output of the samplers have been swapped, samples are now of shape `(n_chains, n_samples_per_chain, ...)` consistent with `netket.stats.statistics`. Custom samplers need to be updated to return arrays of shape `(n_chains, n_samples_per_chain, ...)` instead of `(n_samples_per_chain, n_chains, ...)`. [1502](
* The tolerance arguments of {class}`~netket.experimental.dynamics.TDVPSchmitt` have all been renamed to more understandable quantities without inspecting the source code. In particular, `num_tol` has been renamed to `rcond`, `svd_tol` to `rcond_smooth` and `noise_tol` to `noise_atol`.
* `netket.vqs.ExactState` has been renamed to {class}`netket.vqs.FullSumState` to better reflect what it does. Using the old name will now raise a warning [1477](
Known Issues
* The new `Jax`-friendly operators do not work with {class}`netket.vqs.FullSumState` because they are not hashable. This will be fixed in a minor patch (coming soon).