
Latest version: v3.15.2

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New features
* `Lattice` supports specifying arbitrary edge content for each unit cell via the kwarg `custom_edges`. A generator for hexagonal lattices with coloured edges is implemented as `nk.graph.KitaevHoneycomb`. `nk.graph.Grid` again supports colouring edges by direction. [1074](
* Fermionic hilbert space (`nkx.hilbert.SpinOrbitalFermions`) and fermionic operators (`nkx.operator.fermion`) to treat systems with a finite number of Orbitals have been added to the experimental submodule. The operators are also integrated with [OpenFermion]( Those functionalities are still in development and we would welcome feedback. [#1090](
* It is now possible to change the integrator of a `TDVP` object without reconstructing it. [1123](
* A `nk.nn.blocks` has been added and contains an `MLP` (Multi-Layer Perceptron). [1295](

Breaking Changes
* The gradient for models with real-parameter is now multiplied by 2. If your model had real parameters you might need to change the learning rate and halve it. Conceptually this is a bug-fix, as the value returned before was wrong (see Bug Fixes section below for additional details) [1069](
* In the statistics returned by `netket.stats.statistics`, the `.R_hat` diagnostic has been updated to be able to detect non-stationary chains via the split-Rhat diagnostic (see, e.g., Gelman et al., [Bayesian Data Analysis](, 3rd edition). This changes (generally increases) the numerical values of `R_hat` for existing simulations, but should strictly improve its capabilities to detect MCMC convergence failure. [#1138](

Internal Changes

Bug Fixes
* The gradient obtained with `VarState.expect_and_grad` for models with real-parameters was off by a factor of $ 1/2 $ from the correct value. This has now been corrected. As a consequence, the correct gradient for real-parameter models is equal to the old times 2. If your model had real parameters you might need to change the learning rate and halve it. [1069](
* Support for coloured edges in `nk.graph.Grid`, removed in [724](, is now restored. [#1074](
* Fixed bug that prevented calling `.quantum_geometric_tensor` on `netket.vqs.ExactState`. [1108](
* Fixed bug where the gradient of `C->C` models (complex parameters, complex output) was computed incorrectly with `nk.vqs.ExactState`. [1110](
* Fixed bug where `QGTJacobianDense.state` and `QGTJacobianPyTree.state` would not correctly transform the starting point `x0` if `holomorphic=False`. [1115](
* The gradient of the expectation value obtained with `VarState.expect_and_grad` for `SquaredOperator`s was off by a factor of 2 in some cases, and wrong in others. This has now been fixed. [1065](


Internal Changes
* Support for Python 3.10 [952](
* The minimum [optax]( version is now `0.1.1`, which finally correctly supports complex numbers. The internal implementation of Adam which was introduced in 3.3 ([#1069]( has been removed. If an older version of `optax` is detected, an import error is thrown to avoid providing wrong numerical results. Please update your optax version! [#1097](

Bug Fixes
* Allow `LazyOperatordensevector` for operators such as lazy `Adjoint`, `Transpose` and `Squared`. [1068](
* The logic to update the progress bar in {class}`nk.experimental.TDVP` has been improved, and it should now display updates even if there are very sparse `save_steps`. [1084](
* The `nk.logging.TensorBoardLog` is now lazily initialized to better work in an MPI environment. [1086](
* Converting a `nk.operator.BoseHubbard` to a `nk.operator.LocalOperator` multiplied by 2 the nonlinearity `U`. This has now been fixed. [1102](


[GitHub commits](

* Initialisation of all implementations of `DenseSymm`, `DenseEquivariant`, `GCNN` now defaults to truncated normals with Lecun variance scaling. For layers without masking, there should be no noticeable change in behaviour. For masked layers, the same variance scaling now works correctly. [1045](
* Fix bug that prevented gradients of non-hermitian operators to be computed. The feature is still marked as experimental but will now run (we do not guarantee that results are correct). [1053](
* Common lattice constructors such as `Honeycomb` now accepts the same keyword arguments as `Lattice`. [1046](
* Multiplying a `QGTOnTheFly` representing the real part of the QGT (showing up when the ansatz has real parameters) with a complex vector now throws an error. Previously the result would be wrong, as the imaginary part [was casted away]( [885](


[GitHub commits](

New features
* The interface to define expectation and gradient function of arbitrary custom operators is now stable. If you want to define it for a standard operator that can be written as an average of local expectation terms, you can now define a dispatch rule for {func}`netket.vqs.get_local_kernel_arguments` and {func}`netket.vqs.get_local_kernel`. The old mechanism is still supported, but we encourage to use the new mechanism as it is more terse. [954](
* {func}`nk.optimizer.Adam` now supports complex parameters, and you can use {func}`nk.optimizer.split_complex` to make optimizers process complex parameters as if they are pairs of real parameters. [1009](
* Chunking of `MCState.expect` and `MCState.expect_and_grad` computations is now supported, which allows to bound the memory cost in exchange of a minor increase in computation time. [1006]( (and discussions in [#918]( and [#830](
* A new variational state that performs exact summation over the whole Hilbert space has been added. It can be constructed with {class}`nk.vqs.ExactState` and supports the same Jax neural networks as {class}`nk.vqs.MCState`. [953](
* {func}`nk.nn.DenseSymm` allows multiple input features. [1030](
* [Experimental] A new time-evolution driver {class}`nk.experimental.TDVP` using the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) has been added. It works with time-independent and time-dependent Hamiltonians and Liouvillians. [1012](
* [Experimental] A set of JAX-compatible Runge-Kutta ODE integrators has been added for use together with the new TDVP driver. [1012](

Breaking Changes
* The method `sample_next` in `Sampler` and exact samplers (`ExactSampler` and `ARDirectSampler`) is removed, and it is only defined in `MetropolisSampler`. The module function `nk.sampler.sample_next` also only works with `MetropolisSampler`. For exact samplers, please use the method `sample` instead. [1016](
* The default value of `n_chains_per_rank` in `Sampler` and exact samplers is changed to 1, and specifying `n_chains` or `n_chains_per_rank` when constructing them is deprecated. Please change `chain_length` when calling `sample`. For `MetropolisSampler`, the default value is changed from `n_chains = 16` (across all ranks) to `n_chains_per_rank = 16`. [1017](
* `GCNN_Parity` allowed biasing both the parity-preserving and the parity-flip equivariant layers. These enter into the network output the same way, so having both is redundant and makes QGTs unstable. The biases of the parity-flip layers are now removed. The previous behaviour can be restored using the deprecated `extra_bias` switch; we only recommend this for loading previously saved parameters. Such parameters can be transformed to work with the new default using `nk.models.update_GCNN_parity`. [1030](
* Kernels of `DenseSymm` are now three-dimensional, not two-dimensional. Parameters saved from earlier implementations can be transformed to the new convention using `nk.nn.update_dense_symm`. [1030](

* The method `Sampler.samples` is added to return a generator of samples. The module functions `nk.sampler.sampler_state`, `reset`, `sample`, `samples`, and `sample_next` are deprecated in favor of the corresponding class methods. [1025](
* Kwarg `in_features` of `DenseEquivariant` is deprecated; the number of input features are inferred from the input. [1030](
* Kwarg `out_features` of `DenseEquivariant` is deprecated in favour of `features`. [1030](

Internal Changes
* The definitions of `MCState` and `MCMixedState` have been moved to an internal module, `` that is hidden by default. [954](
* Custom deepcopy for `LocalOperator` to avoid building `LocalOperator` from scratch each time it is copied [964](

Bug Fixes
* The constructor of `TensorHilbert` (which is used by the product operator `*` for inhomogeneous spaces) no longer fails when one of the component spaces is non-indexable. [1004](
* The {func}`~nk.hilbert.random.flip_state` method used by `MetropolisLocal` now throws an error when called on a {class}`nk.hilbert.ContinuousHilbert` hilbert space instead of entering an endless loop. [1014](
* Fixed bug in conversion to qutip for `MCMixedState`, where the resulting shape (hilbert space size) was wrong. [1020](
* Setting `MCState.sampler` now recomputes `MCState.chain_length` according to `MCState.n_samples` and the new `sampler.n_chains`. [1028](
* `GCNN_Parity` allowed biasing both the parity-preserving and the parity-flip equivariant layers. These enter into the network output the same way, so having both is redundant and makes QGTs unstable. The biases of the parity-flip layers are now removed. [1030](


[GitHub commits](

New features
* `GraphOperator` (and `Heisenberg`) now support passing a custom mapping of graph nodes to Hilbert space sites via the new `acting_on_subspace` argument. This makes it possible to create `GraphOperator`s that act on a subset of sites, which is useful in composite Hilbert spaces. [924](
* `PauliString` now supports any Hilbert space with local size 2. The Hilbert space is now the optional first argument of the constructor. [960](
* `PauliString` now can be multiplied and summed together, performing some simple algebraic simplifications on the strings they contain. They also lazily initialize their internal data structures, making them faster to construct but slightly slower the first time that their matrix elements are accessed. [955](
* `PauliString`s can now be constructed starting from an `OpenFermion` operator. [956](
* In addition to nearest-neighbor edges, `Lattice` can now generate edges between next-nearest and, more generally, k-nearest neighbors via the constructor argument `max_neighbor_order`. The edges can be distinguished by their `color` property (which is used, e.g., by `GraphOperator` to apply different bond operators). [970](
* Two continuous-space operators (`KineticEnergy` and `PotentialEnergy`) have been implemented. [971](
* `Heisenberg` Hamiltonians support different coupling strengths on `Graph` edges with different colors. [972](
* The `little_group` and `space_group_irreps` methods of `SpaceGroupBuilder` take the wave vector as either varargs or iterables. [975](
* A new `netket.experimental` submodule has been created and all experimental features have been moved there. Note that in contrast to the other `netket` submodules, `netket.experimental` is not imported by default. [976](

Breaking Changes
* Moved `nk.vqs.variables_from_***` to `nk.experimental.vqs` module. Also moved the experimental samplers to `nk.sampler.MetropolisPt` and `nk.sampler.MetropolisPmap` to `nk.experimental.sampler`. [976](
* `operator.size`, has been deprecated. If you were using this function, please transition to `operator.hilbert.size`. [985](

Bug Fixes
* A bug where `LocalOperator.get_conn_flattened` would read out-of-bounds memory has been fixed. It is unlikely that the bug was causing problems, but it triggered warnings when running Numba with boundscheck activated. [966](
* The dependency `python-igraph` has been updated to `igraph` following the rename of the upstream project in order to work on conda. [986](
* {attr}`~netket.vqs.MCState.n_samples_per_rank` was returning wrong values and has now been fixed. [987](
* The `DenseSymm` layer now also accepts objects of type `HashableArray` as `symmetries` argument. [989](
* A bug where `` was erroring has been fixed. [984](


[GitHub commits](

New features
* Added Conversion methods `to_qobj()` to operators and variational states, that produce QuTiP's qobjects.
* A function `nk.nn.activation.reim` has been added that transforms a nonlinearity to act seperately on the real and imaginary parts
* Nonlinearities `reim_selu` and `reim_relu` have been added
* Autoregressive Neural Networks (ARNN) now have a `machine_pow` field (defaults to 2) used to change the exponent used for the normalization of the wavefunction. [940](

Breaking Changes
* The default initializer for `netket.models.GCNN` has been changed to from `jax.nn.selu` to `netket.nn.reim_selu` [892](
* `netket.nn.initializers` has been deprecated in favor of `jax.nn.initializers` [935](
* Subclasses of {class}`netket.models.AbstractARNN` must define the field `machine_pow` [940](
* `nk.hilbert.HilbertIndex` and `nk.operator.spin.DType` are now unexported (they where never intended to be visible). [904](
* `AbstractOperator`s have been renamed `DiscreteOperator`s. `AbstractOperator`s still exist, but have almost no functionality and they are intended as the base class for more arbitrary (eg. continuous space) operators. If you have defined a custom operator inheriting from `AbstractOperator` you should change it to derive from `DiscreteOperator`. [929](

Internal Changes
* `PermutationGroup.product_table` now consumes less memory and is more performant. This is helpfull when working with large symmetry groups. [884]( [#891](
* Added size check to `DiscreteOperator.get_conn` and throw helpful error messages if those do not match. [927](
* The internal `numba4jax` module has been factored out into a standalone library, named (how original) [`numba4jax`]( This library was never intended to be used by external users, but if for any reason you were using it, you should switch to the external library. [#934](
* `netket.jax` now includes several _batching_ utilities like `batched_vmap` and `batched_vjp`. Those can be used to build memory efficient batched code, but are considered internal, experimental and might change without warning. [925](

Bug Fixes
* Autoregressive networks now work with `Qubit` hilbert spaces. [937](

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