[GitHub commits](https://github.com/netket/netket/compare/v3.2...v3.3).
New features
* The interface to define expectation and gradient function of arbitrary custom operators is now stable. If you want to define it for a standard operator that can be written as an average of local expectation terms, you can now define a dispatch rule for {func}`netket.vqs.get_local_kernel_arguments` and {func}`netket.vqs.get_local_kernel`. The old mechanism is still supported, but we encourage to use the new mechanism as it is more terse. [954](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/954)
* {func}`nk.optimizer.Adam` now supports complex parameters, and you can use {func}`nk.optimizer.split_complex` to make optimizers process complex parameters as if they are pairs of real parameters. [1009](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1009)
* Chunking of `MCState.expect` and `MCState.expect_and_grad` computations is now supported, which allows to bound the memory cost in exchange of a minor increase in computation time. [1006](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1006) (and discussions in [#918](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/918) and [#830](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/830))
* A new variational state that performs exact summation over the whole Hilbert space has been added. It can be constructed with {class}`nk.vqs.ExactState` and supports the same Jax neural networks as {class}`nk.vqs.MCState`. [953](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/953)
* {func}`nk.nn.DenseSymm` allows multiple input features. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)
* [Experimental] A new time-evolution driver {class}`nk.experimental.TDVP` using the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) has been added. It works with time-independent and time-dependent Hamiltonians and Liouvillians. [1012](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1012)
* [Experimental] A set of JAX-compatible Runge-Kutta ODE integrators has been added for use together with the new TDVP driver. [1012](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1012)
Breaking Changes
* The method `sample_next` in `Sampler` and exact samplers (`ExactSampler` and `ARDirectSampler`) is removed, and it is only defined in `MetropolisSampler`. The module function `nk.sampler.sample_next` also only works with `MetropolisSampler`. For exact samplers, please use the method `sample` instead. [1016](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1016)
* The default value of `n_chains_per_rank` in `Sampler` and exact samplers is changed to 1, and specifying `n_chains` or `n_chains_per_rank` when constructing them is deprecated. Please change `chain_length` when calling `sample`. For `MetropolisSampler`, the default value is changed from `n_chains = 16` (across all ranks) to `n_chains_per_rank = 16`. [1017](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1017)
* `GCNN_Parity` allowed biasing both the parity-preserving and the parity-flip equivariant layers. These enter into the network output the same way, so having both is redundant and makes QGTs unstable. The biases of the parity-flip layers are now removed. The previous behaviour can be restored using the deprecated `extra_bias` switch; we only recommend this for loading previously saved parameters. Such parameters can be transformed to work with the new default using `nk.models.update_GCNN_parity`. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)
* Kernels of `DenseSymm` are now three-dimensional, not two-dimensional. Parameters saved from earlier implementations can be transformed to the new convention using `nk.nn.update_dense_symm`. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)
* The method `Sampler.samples` is added to return a generator of samples. The module functions `nk.sampler.sampler_state`, `reset`, `sample`, `samples`, and `sample_next` are deprecated in favor of the corresponding class methods. [1025](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1025)
* Kwarg `in_features` of `DenseEquivariant` is deprecated; the number of input features are inferred from the input. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)
* Kwarg `out_features` of `DenseEquivariant` is deprecated in favour of `features`. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)
Internal Changes
* The definitions of `MCState` and `MCMixedState` have been moved to an internal module, `nk.vqs.mc` that is hidden by default. [954](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/954)
* Custom deepcopy for `LocalOperator` to avoid building `LocalOperator` from scratch each time it is copied [964](https://github.com/netket/pull/964)
Bug Fixes
* The constructor of `TensorHilbert` (which is used by the product operator `*` for inhomogeneous spaces) no longer fails when one of the component spaces is non-indexable. [1004](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1004)
* The {func}`~nk.hilbert.random.flip_state` method used by `MetropolisLocal` now throws an error when called on a {class}`nk.hilbert.ContinuousHilbert` hilbert space instead of entering an endless loop. [1014](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1014)
* Fixed bug in conversion to qutip for `MCMixedState`, where the resulting shape (hilbert space size) was wrong. [1020](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1020)
* Setting `MCState.sampler` now recomputes `MCState.chain_length` according to `MCState.n_samples` and the new `sampler.n_chains`. [1028](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1028)
* `GCNN_Parity` allowed biasing both the parity-preserving and the parity-flip equivariant layers. These enter into the network output the same way, so having both is redundant and makes QGTs unstable. The biases of the parity-flip layers are now removed. [1030](https://github.com/netket/netket/pull/1030)