
Latest version: v0.21.0

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🚀 New/Added
- Added new log message specifying the condition being extracted if ``condition`` is not None.
- Added a new parameter, ``condition_tr_shift`` in ``TimeseriesExtractor.get_bold`` to allow a shift in the
the starting and ending scan in TR units for a condition.


📖 Documentation
- Links are fixed in the documentation.
🐛 Fixes
- Fix indexing error for ``visualize_bold`` if ``parcel_approach["Custom"]["nodes"]`` is a NumPy array instead of list.
♻ Changed
- Internally, the verbose parameter is set to 0 for nilearn's `fetch_atlas_aal` and `fetch_atlas_schaefer`.
and the behavior is stated in the documentation. Cosine similarity in this case is assigned `np.nan`
- When creating "regions" for the "Custom" parcel approach, both a list and range can be accepted. Previously, only
lists were accepted.

List method:

parcel_approach["Custom"]["regions"] = {
"Primary Visual": {"lh": [0], "rh": [180]},
"Early Visual": {"lh": [1, 2, 3], "rh": [181, 182, 183]},
"Dorsal Stream Visual": {"lh": list(range(4, 10)), "rh": list(range(184, 190))},
"Ventral Stream Visual": {"lh": list(range(10, 17)), "rh": list(range(190, 197))},
"MT+ Complex": {"lh": list(range(17, 26)), "rh": list(range(197, 206))},
"SomaSens Motor": {"lh": list(range(26, 31)), "rh": list(range(206, 211))},
"ParaCentral MidCing": {"lh": list(range(31, 40)), "rh": list(range(211, 220))},
"Premotor": {"lh": list(range(40, 47)), "rh": list(range(220, 227))},
"Posterior Opercular": {"lh": list(range(47, 52)), "rh": list(range(227, 232))},
"Early Auditory": {"lh": list(range(52, 59)), "rh": list(range(232, 239))},
"Auditory Association": {"lh": list(range(59, 67)), "rh": list(range(239, 247))},
"Insula FrontalOperc": {"lh": list(range(67, 79)), "rh": list(range(247, 259))},
"Medial Temporal": {"lh": list(range(79, 87)), "rh": list(range(259, 267))},
"Lateral Temporal": {"lh": list(range(87, 95)), "rh": list(range(267, 275))},
"TPO": {"lh": list(range(95, 100)), "rh": list(range(275, 280))},
"Superior Parietal": {"lh": list(range(100, 110)), "rh": list(range(280, 290))},
"Inferior Parietal": {"lh": list(range(110, 120)), "rh": list(range(290, 300))},
"Posterior Cingulate": {"lh": list(range(120, 133)), "rh": list(range(300, 313))},
"AntCing MedPFC": {"lh": list(range(133, 149)), "rh": list(range(313, 329))},
"OrbPolaFrontal": {"lh": list(range(149, 158)), "rh": list(range(329, 338))},
"Inferior Frontal": {"lh": list(range(158, 167)), "rh": list(range(338, 347))},
"Dorsolateral Prefrontal": {"lh": list(range(167, 180)), "rh": list(range(347, 360))},
"Subcortical Regions": {"lh": list(range(360, 393)), "rh": list(range(393, 426))},

List and range method:
parcel_approach["Custom"]["regions"] = {
"Primary Visual": {"lh": [0], "rh": [180]},
"Early Visual": {"lh": [1, 2, 3], "rh": [181, 182, 183]},
"Dorsal Stream Visual": {"lh": range(4, 10), "rh": range(184, 190)},
"Ventral Stream Visual": {"lh": range(10, 17), "rh": range(190, 197)},
"MT+ Complex": {"lh": range(17, 26), "rh": range(197, 206)},
"SomaSens Motor": {"lh": range(26, 31), "rh": range(206, 211)},
"ParaCentral MidCing": {"lh": range(31, 40), "rh": range(211, 220)},
"Premotor": {"lh": range(40, 47), "rh": range(220, 227)},
"Posterior Opercular": {"lh": range(47, 52), "rh": range(227, 232)},
"Early Auditory": {"lh": range(52, 59), "rh": range(232, 239)},
"Auditory Association": {"lh": range(59, 67), "rh": range(239, 247)},
"Insula FrontalOperc": {"lh": range(67, 79), "rh": range(247, 259)},
"Medial Temporal": {"lh": range(79, 87), "rh": range(259, 267)},
"Lateral Temporal": {"lh": range(87, 95), "rh": range(267, 275)},
"TPO": {"lh": range(95, 100), "rh": range(275, 280)},
"Superior Parietal": {"lh": range(100, 110), "rh": range(280, 290)},
"Inferior Parietal": {"lh": range(110, 120), "rh": range(290, 300)},
"Posterior Cingulate": {"lh": range(120, 133), "rh": range(300, 313)},
"AntCing MedPFC": {"lh": range(133, 149), "rh": range(313, 329)},
"OrbPolaFrontal": {"lh": range(149, 158), "rh": range(329, 338)},
"Inferior Frontal": {"lh": range(158, 167), "rh": range(338, 347)},
"Dorsolateral Prefrontal": {"lh": range(167, 180), "rh": range(347, 360)},
"Subcortical Regions": {"lh": range(360, 393), "rh": range(393, 426)},


📖 Documentation
- Additional documentation for `standardize` function.


🚀 New/Added
- Method chaining for several methods in the `CAP` and `TimeseriesExtractor` class.


🐛 Fixes
- Add type hints to properties.
- Improve accuracy of type hints for the properties.
- Fixes type hints for certain parameters that included numpy.ndarray.
- Replaces any returns that implies a plot object is returned and replaces with None for clarity.
- Raise type error when ``self.subject_table`` in ``CAP`` is set but is not a dictionary.

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