
Latest version: v0.21.0

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🚀 New/Added
- Added "use_sample_mask" key for `fd_threshold` parameter, which if set to True, generates a sample mask to pass
to nilearn's `NiftiLabelsMasker` for censoring prior to nuisance regression.
Internally, the ``clean__extrapolate`` parameter is used to set extrapolate to False. If condition filtering is
requested, when "use_sample_mask" key for `fd_threshold` parameter is True, then the truncated timeseries is
temporarily padded to ensure the correct indices corresponding to the condition are obtained.
- Added new property.


🐛 Fixes
- Fixes projection of CAPs onto NiFTI atlas by preventing in-place modification. Previously, if a new CAP value matched
a subsequent atlas label ID, it could cause incorrect coordinate assignments.


- Minor code cleaning
📖 Documentation
- Readme example fix


♻ Changed
- Updated Dependencies:
- NumPy: version 2.0 and above can be installed.
- BrainSpace: requires version 0.1.16 and above.


🐛 Fixes
- Corrected region names for version "3v2" of the AAL atlas.
♻ Changed
- Added a specific logged warning when no confound names are found. If some confound names are missing,
they will still be listed accordingly.
- Added a specific logged warnings for methods in `CAP` that use the `runs` parameter. Warnings are issued if a subject
is missing any requested run, with an additional warning if all runs are missing.


📖 Documentation
- Significant documentation revisions for clarity and precision.
- Also, updates outdated documentation for `CAP.get_caps` to clarify that figure generation and saving parameters can
be used with any `cluster_selection_method`, not just specific ones as previously implied.

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