🚀 New/Added
- Added `merge_dicts` to be able to combine different subject_timeseries and only return shared subjects.
- Print names of confounds used for each subject and run when extracting timeseries for transparency.
- Ability to extract timeseries using the AAL or Schaefer parcellation.
- Ability to use multiprocessing to speed up timeseries extraction.
- Can be used to extract task (entire task timeseries or a single specific condition) or resting-state data.
- Ability to denoise data during extraction using band pass filtering, confounds, detrending, and removing dummy scans.
- Can visualize the extracted timeseries at the node or network level.
- Ability to perform Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) analysis on separate groups or all subjects.
- Can use silhouette method or elbow method to determine optimal cluster size and the optimal kmeans model will be
- Can visualize kneed plots for elbow method.
- Can visualize CAPs using heatmaps or outer product plots at the network or node level of the Schaefer or AAL atlas.
- Can calculate temporal frequency, persistence, counts, and transition frequency. As well as save each as a csv file.