
Latest version: v0.21.0

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💻 Metadata
- Update outdated example in readme.


♻ Changed
- For `knn_dict`, cKdtree is replaced with Kdtree and scipy is restricted to 1.6.0 or later since that is the version
were Kdtree used the C implementation.
- `TimeseriesExtractor.get_bold` can now be used on Windows, pybids still does not install by default to prevent
long path error but `pip install neurocaps[windows]` can be used for installation.
- All instances of textwrap replaced with normal strings, printed warnings or messages will be longer in length now
and occupies less vertical screen space.


♻ Changed
- In `CAP.caps2surf`, the `save_stat_map` parameter has been changed to `save_stat_maps`.
- Slight improvements in a few errors/exceptions to improve their informativeness.
- Now, when a subject's run is excluded due to exceeding the fd threshold, the percentage of their volumes
exceeding the threshold is given as opposed to simply stating that they have been excluded.
🐛 Fixes
- Fix a specific instance when `tr` is not specified for `TimseriesExtractor.get_bold`. When the `tr` is not specified,
the code attempts to check the the bold metadata/json file in the derivatives directory to extract the
repetition time. Now, it will check for this file in both the derivatives and root bids dir. The code will also
raise an error earlier if the tr isn't specified, cannot be extracted from the bold metadata file, and bandpass filtering
is requested.
- A warning check that is done to assess if indices for a certain condition is outside a possible range due to
duration mismatch, incorrect tr, etc is now also done before calculating the percentage of volumes exceeding the threshold
to not dilute calculations. Before this check was only done before extracting the condition from the timeseries array.
💻 Metadata
- Very minor documentation updates for `TimseriesExtractor.get_bold`.


♻ Changed
- Created a specific message when dummy_scans = {"auto": True} and zero "non_steady_state_outlier_XX" are found
when `verbose=True`.
- Regardless if `parcel_approach`, whether used as a setter or input, accepts pickles.
🐛 Fixes
Fixed a reference before assignment issue in `merge_dicts`. This occurred when only the merged dictionary was requested
to be saved without saving the reduced dictionaries, and no user-provided file_names were given. In this scenario,
the default name for the merged dictionary is now correctly used.


🚀 New/Added
- In `TimeseriesExtractor`, "min" and "max" sub-keys can now be used when `dummy_scans` is a dictionary and the
"auto" sub-key is True. The "min" sub-key is used to set the minimum dummy scans to remove if the number of
"non_steady_state_outlier_XX" columns detected is less than this value and the "max" sub-key is used to set the
maximum number of dummy scans to remove if the number of "non_steady_state_outlier_XX" columns detected exceeds this


🚀 New/Added
- `save_reduced_dicts` parameter to `merge_dicts` so that the reduced dictionaries can also be saved instead of only
being returned.

♻ Changed
- Some parameter names, inputs, and outputs for non-class functions - `merge_dicts`, `change_dtype`, and `standardize`
have changed to improve consistency across these functions.
- `merge_dicts`
- `return_combined_dict` has been changed to `return_merged_dict`.
- `file_name` has been changed to `file_names` since the reduced dicts can also be saved now.
- Key in output dictionary containing the merged dictionary changed from "combined" to "merged".
- `standardize` & `change_dtypes`
- `subject_timeseries` has been changed to `subject_timeseries_list`, the same as in `merge_dicts`.
- `file_name` has been changed to `file_names`.
- `return_dict` has been changed to `return_dicts`.
- The returned dictionary for `merge_dicts`, `change_dtype`, and `standardize` is only
`dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]]` now.

- In `CAP.calculate_metrics`, the metrics calculations, except for "temporal_fraction" have been refactored to remove an
import or use numpy operations to reduce needed to create the same calculation.
- **"counts"**
- Previous Code:
Get frequency
frequency_dict = dict(collections.Counter(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run]))
Sort the keys
sorted_frequency_dict = {key: frequency_dict[key] for key in sorted(list(frequency_dict))}
Add zero to missing CAPs for participants that exhibit zero instances of a certain CAP
if len(sorted_frequency_dict) != len(cap_numbers):
sorted_frequency_dict = {
cap_number: sorted_frequency_dict[cap_number] if cap_number in list(sorted_frequency_dict) else 0
for cap_number in cap_numbers
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if len(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
sorted_frequency_dict = {
cap_number: sorted_frequency_dict[cap_number] if cap_number <= group_cap_counts[group] else float("nan")
for cap_number in cap_numbers

- Refactored Code:
Get frequency;
frequency_dict = {
key: np.where(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run] == key, 1, 0).sum()
for key in range(1, group_cap_counts[group] + 1)
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if max(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
for i in range(group_cap_counts[group] + 1, max(cap_numbers) + 1):
frequency_dict.update({i: float("nan")})

- **"temporal_fraction"**
- Previous Code:
proportion_dict = {
key: item / (len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])) for key, item in sorted_frequency_dict.items()

- "Refactored Code": Nothing other than some parameter names have changed.
proportion_dict = {
key: value / (len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])) for key, value in frequency_dict.items()

- **"persistence"**
- Previous Code:
Initialize variable
persistence_dict = {}
uninterrupted_volumes = []
count = 0
Iterate through caps
for target in cap_numbers:
Iterate through each element and count uninterrupted volumes that equal target
for index in range(0, len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])):
if predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index] == target:
count += 1
Store count in list if interrupted and not zero
if count != 0:
Reset counter
count = 0
In the event, a participant only occupies one CAP and to ensure final counts are added
if count > 0:
If uninterrupted_volumes not zero, multiply elements in the list by repetition time, sum and divide
if len(uninterrupted_volumes) > 0:
persistence_value = np.array(uninterrupted_volumes).sum() / len(uninterrupted_volumes)
if tr:
persistence_dict.update({target: persistence_value * tr})
persistence_dict.update({target: persistence_value})
Zero indicates that a participant has zero instances of the CAP
persistence_dict.update({target: 0})
Reset variables
count = 0
uninterrupted_volumes = []

Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if len(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
persistence_dict = {
cap_number: persistence_dict[cap_number] if cap_number <= group_cap_counts[group] else float("nan")
for cap_number in cap_numbers

- Refactored Code:
Initialize variable
persistence_dict = {}
Iterate through caps
for target in cap_numbers:
Binary representation of array - if [1,2,1,1,1,3] and target is 1, then it is [1,0,1,1,1,0]
binary_arr = np.where(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run] == target, 1, 0)
Get indices of values that equal 1; [0,2,3,4]
target_indices = np.where(binary_arr == 1)[0]
Count the transitions, indices where diff > 1 is a transition; diff of indices = [2,1,1];
binary for diff > 1 = [1,0,0]; thus, segments = transitions + first_sequence(1) = 2
segments = np.where(np.diff(target_indices, n=1) > 1, 1, 0).sum() + 1
Sum of ones in the binary array divided by segments, then multiplied by 1 or the tr; segment is
always 1 at minimum due to + 1; np.where(np.diff(target_indices, n=1) > 1, 1,0).sum() is 0 when empty or the condition isn't met
persistence_dict.update({target: (binary_arr.sum() / segments) * (tr if tr else 1)})

Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if max(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
for i in range(group_cap_counts[group] + 1, max(cap_numbers) + 1):
persistence_dict.update({i: float("nan")})

- **"transition_frequency"**
- Previous Code:
count = 0
Iterate through predicted values
for index in range(0, len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])):
if index != 0:
If the subsequent element does not equal the previous element, this is considered a transition
if (
predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index - 1]
!= predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index]
count += 1
Populate DataFrame
new_row = [subj_id, group_name, curr_run, count]
df_dict["transition_frequency"].loc[len(df_dict["transition_frequency"])] = new_row

- Refactored Code:
Sum the differences that are not zero - [1,2,1,1,1,3] becomes [1,-1,0,0,2], binary representation
for values not zero is [1,1,0,0,1] = 3 transitions
transition_frequency = np.where(np.diff(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run]) != 0, 1, 0).sum()

*Note, the `n` parameter in `np.diff` defaults to 1, and differences are calculated as `out[i] = a[i+1] - a[i]`*
🐛 Fixes
- When a pickle file was used as input in `standardize` or `change_dtype` an error was produced, this has been fixed
and these functions accept a list of dictionaries or a list of pickle files now.

💻 Metadata
- In the documentation for `CAP.caps2corr` it is now explicitly stated that the type of correlation being used is
Pearson correlation.

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