🚀 New/Added
- `save_reduced_dicts` parameter to `merge_dicts` so that the reduced dictionaries can also be saved instead of only
being returned.
♻ Changed
- Some parameter names, inputs, and outputs for non-class functions - `merge_dicts`, `change_dtype`, and `standardize`
have changed to improve consistency across these functions.
- `merge_dicts`
- `return_combined_dict` has been changed to `return_merged_dict`.
- `file_name` has been changed to `file_names` since the reduced dicts can also be saved now.
- Key in output dictionary containing the merged dictionary changed from "combined" to "merged".
- `standardize` & `change_dtypes`
- `subject_timeseries` has been changed to `subject_timeseries_list`, the same as in `merge_dicts`.
- `file_name` has been changed to `file_names`.
- `return_dict` has been changed to `return_dicts`.
- The returned dictionary for `merge_dicts`, `change_dtype`, and `standardize` is only
`dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]]` now.
- In `CAP.calculate_metrics`, the metrics calculations, except for "temporal_fraction" have been refactored to remove an
import or use numpy operations to reduce needed to create the same calculation.
- **"counts"**
- Previous Code:
Get frequency
frequency_dict = dict(collections.Counter(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run]))
Sort the keys
sorted_frequency_dict = {key: frequency_dict[key] for key in sorted(list(frequency_dict))}
Add zero to missing CAPs for participants that exhibit zero instances of a certain CAP
if len(sorted_frequency_dict) != len(cap_numbers):
sorted_frequency_dict = {
cap_number: sorted_frequency_dict[cap_number] if cap_number in list(sorted_frequency_dict) else 0
for cap_number in cap_numbers
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if len(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
sorted_frequency_dict = {
cap_number: sorted_frequency_dict[cap_number] if cap_number <= group_cap_counts[group] else float("nan")
for cap_number in cap_numbers
- Refactored Code:
Get frequency;
frequency_dict = {
key: np.where(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run] == key, 1, 0).sum()
for key in range(1, group_cap_counts[group] + 1)
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if max(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
for i in range(group_cap_counts[group] + 1, max(cap_numbers) + 1):
frequency_dict.update({i: float("nan")})
- **"temporal_fraction"**
- Previous Code:
proportion_dict = {
key: item / (len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])) for key, item in sorted_frequency_dict.items()
- "Refactored Code": Nothing other than some parameter names have changed.
proportion_dict = {
key: value / (len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])) for key, value in frequency_dict.items()
- **"persistence"**
- Previous Code:
Initialize variable
persistence_dict = {}
uninterrupted_volumes = []
count = 0
Iterate through caps
for target in cap_numbers:
Iterate through each element and count uninterrupted volumes that equal target
for index in range(0, len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])):
if predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index] == target:
count += 1
Store count in list if interrupted and not zero
if count != 0:
Reset counter
count = 0
In the event, a participant only occupies one CAP and to ensure final counts are added
if count > 0:
If uninterrupted_volumes not zero, multiply elements in the list by repetition time, sum and divide
if len(uninterrupted_volumes) > 0:
persistence_value = np.array(uninterrupted_volumes).sum() / len(uninterrupted_volumes)
if tr:
persistence_dict.update({target: persistence_value * tr})
persistence_dict.update({target: persistence_value})
Zero indicates that a participant has zero instances of the CAP
persistence_dict.update({target: 0})
Reset variables
count = 0
uninterrupted_volumes = []
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if len(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
persistence_dict = {
cap_number: persistence_dict[cap_number] if cap_number <= group_cap_counts[group] else float("nan")
for cap_number in cap_numbers
- Refactored Code:
Initialize variable
persistence_dict = {}
Iterate through caps
for target in cap_numbers:
Binary representation of array - if [1,2,1,1,1,3] and target is 1, then it is [1,0,1,1,1,0]
binary_arr = np.where(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run] == target, 1, 0)
Get indices of values that equal 1; [0,2,3,4]
target_indices = np.where(binary_arr == 1)[0]
Count the transitions, indices where diff > 1 is a transition; diff of indices = [2,1,1];
binary for diff > 1 = [1,0,0]; thus, segments = transitions + first_sequence(1) = 2
segments = np.where(np.diff(target_indices, n=1) > 1, 1, 0).sum() + 1
Sum of ones in the binary array divided by segments, then multiplied by 1 or the tr; segment is
always 1 at minimum due to + 1; np.where(np.diff(target_indices, n=1) > 1, 1,0).sum() is 0 when empty or the condition isn't met
persistence_dict.update({target: (binary_arr.sum() / segments) * (tr if tr else 1)})
Replace zeros with nan for groups with less caps than the group with the max caps
if max(cap_numbers) > group_cap_counts[group]:
for i in range(group_cap_counts[group] + 1, max(cap_numbers) + 1):
persistence_dict.update({i: float("nan")})
- **"transition_frequency"**
- Previous Code:
count = 0
Iterate through predicted values
for index in range(0, len(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run])):
if index != 0:
If the subsequent element does not equal the previous element, this is considered a transition
if (
predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index - 1]
!= predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run][index]
count += 1
Populate DataFrame
new_row = [subj_id, group_name, curr_run, count]
df_dict["transition_frequency"].loc[len(df_dict["transition_frequency"])] = new_row
- Refactored Code:
Sum the differences that are not zero - [1,2,1,1,1,3] becomes [1,-1,0,0,2], binary representation
for values not zero is [1,1,0,0,1] = 3 transitions
transition_frequency = np.where(np.diff(predicted_subject_timeseries[subj_id][curr_run]) != 0, 1, 0).sum()
*Note, the `n` parameter in `np.diff` defaults to 1, and differences are calculated as `out[i] = a[i+1] - a[i]`*
🐛 Fixes
- When a pickle file was used as input in `standardize` or `change_dtype` an error was produced, this has been fixed
and these functions accept a list of dictionaries or a list of pickle files now.
💻 Metadata
- In the documentation for `CAP.caps2corr` it is now explicitly stated that the type of correlation being used is
Pearson correlation.