* Improved documentation. Added note about the special usage of the header property. Also added notes about the relevant properties in the docstring of the corresponding accessor methods. * Added property and accessor methods to access/modify the repetition time of timeseries (dt). * Added functions to manipulate the pixdim values. * Added utils.py with some utility functions. * Added functions/property to determine the bounding box of an image. * Fixed a bug that caused a corrupted sform matrix when converting a NumPy array and a header dictionary into a NIfTI image. * Added script to compute peristimulus timeseries (pynifti_pst). * Package now depends on python-scipy.
* Removed functionality for "NiftiImage.save() raises an IOError exception when writing the image file fails." (Yaroslav Halchenko) * Added ability to force a filetype when setting the filename or saving a file. * Reverse the order of the 'header' and 'load' argument in the NiftiImage constructor. 'header' is now first as it seems to be used more often. * Improved the source code documentation. * Added getScaledData() method to NiftiImage that returns a copy of the data array that is scaled with the slope and intercept stored in the NIfTI header.
* Fixed wrong link to the source tarball in README.html.
* Initial upload to the Debian archive. (Closes: 413049) * NiftiImage.save() raises an IOError exception when writing the image file fails. * Added extent, volextent, and timepoints properties to NiftiImage class (Yaroslav Halchenko).
* NiftiFile class is renamed to NiftiImage. * SWIG-wrapped libniftiio functions are no available in the nifticlib module. * Fixed broken NiftiImage from Numpy array constructor. * Added initial documentation in README.html. * Fulfilled a number of Yarik's wishes ;)
* Does not depend on libfslio anymore. * Up to seven-dimensional dataset are supported (as much as NIfTI can do). * The complete NIfTI header dataset is modifiable. * Most image properties are accessible via class attributes and accessor methods. * Improved documentation (but still a long way to go).