New feature release in the 4.0.x series.
New features
* ``nib-convert`` CLI tool to make image type and data dtype conversion accessible
via the command line. (pr/1113) (CM, reviewed by Ariel Rokem)
* Add ``'mask'``, ``'compat'`` and ``'smallest'`` dtype aliases to NIfTI images
to allow for dtype specifications that can depend on the contents of the data.
``'mask'`` is a synonym for ``uint8``. ``'compat'`` will find the nearest
Analyze-compatible (therefore widely supported) dtype that will not truncate
the data. ``'smallest'`` attempts to find the smallest integer dtype that will
contain the data. (pr/1096) (CM, reviewed by Chris Rorden and Josh Teves)
* Add ``dtype`` arguments to ``Cifti2Image`` (pr/1111) (CM)
* Allow dtypes to be passed to Analyze-like images at ``__init__()`` and
``to_filename()`` to provide better control over output images. (pr/1082)
(CM, following discussions with Chris Rorden, Josh Teves, Jerome Dockes, and MB)
* Allow compressed GIFTI images (MB, reviewed by CM)
* Add zstd compression support (pr/1005) (Andrew Van, reviewed by CM)
* Support ``ExternalFileBinary`` GIFTI data arrays (PM, reviewed by CM)
* Document ``InTemporaryDirectory`` as non-thread-safe (pr/1103) (Jacob Roberts,
reviewed by MB)
* Unify Caret-XML-style metadata structure (GiftiMetaData, Cifti2MetaData)
as dict-like (pr/1091) (CM, reviewed by Josh Teves and Hao-Ting Wang)
* Add ``__repr__`` methods to GIFTI objects (pr/1092) (CM,
reviewed by Josh Teves and Hao-Ting Wang)
* Create gzip header deterministically by default (pr/1024) (CM, reviewed by YOH)
* Provide clear error message when files with zip extensions don't match
file contents (pr/1013) (Jérôme Dockès, reviewed by CM)
Bug fixes
* Re-import externals/netcdf.py from scipy to resolve numpy API change (pr/1110)
* Resize ArraySequence.data without helper function to avoid reference increment
(pr/1093) (MC, reviewed by CM)
* Update submodule URLs to use https over git protocol (pr/1097) (CM)
* Published BIAP 9: CoordinateImage API (pr/1084) (CM)
* Drop uses of deprecated ``distutils`` (pr/1073) (CM, reviewed by MB)
* Suppress LGTM false alarm "Clear-text logging of sensitive information"
(pr/1052) (Dimitri Papadopoulos, reviewed by CM)
* Test on Python 3.10 (pr/1047) (CM)
* Fix typos found by codespell (pr/1040, pr/1044)
(Dimitri Papadopoulos, reviewed by CM)
* Run stable tests weekly, pre-release tests nightly (pr/1025) (CM)
* Documentation updates to establish/clarify governance and decision
making (pr/1019, pr/1020, pr/1022, pr/1018, pr/1017, pr/1016) (MB and CM)
API changes and deprecations
* Writing NIfTIs with 64-bit integer dtypes is getting harder.
Passing ``(u)int64`` arrays to ``Nifti1Image`` and subclasses will warn unless
a ``header`` or ``dtype`` option is passed; in the future this will become an
Additionally, passing ``int`` or ``'int'`` to ``set_data_dtype()`` now raises
an error, requiring an explicit numpy dtype to make 64-bit integer images.
(pr/1082) (CM, following discussions with Chris Rorden, Josh Teves, Jerome Dockes,
and MB)
* Drop support for Python 3.6, Numpy < 1.17 (pr/1079) (CM)
* Fully removed the following APIs, which have raised errors on use
since 3.0 (pr/980) (CM, reviewed by Jonathan Daniel)
* ``nibabel.trackvis``
* ``nibabel.volumeutils.calculate_scale``
* ``nibabel.volumeutils.can_cast``
* ``nibabel.volumeutils.scale_min_max``
* ``nibabel.dataobj_images.DataobjImage.get_shape``
* ``nibabel.minc1.MincImage`` (use ``Minc1Image``)
* ``nibabel.minc1.MincFile`` (use ``Minc1File``)
* ``nibabel.filebasedimages.FileBasedImage.from_files``
* ``nibabel.filebasedimages.FileBasedImage.filespec_to_files``
* ``nibabel.filebasedimages.FileBasedImage.to_filespec``
* ``nibabel.filebasedimages.FileBasedImage.to_files``
* ``nibabel.arrayproxy.ArrayProxy.header``
* ``keep_file_open=="auto"`` parameter to load method (now must be boolean)