The first major release series of 2021.
This release includes enhancements, such as:
- Fine-grain subcortical alignment during CIFTI generation
- Improved functional registration to template space
- Greatly minimized container environment
Additionally, a plethora of bug-fixes are included, and documentation has been improved.
As with all minor version increments, working directories from previous versions **should not be reused**.
Thank you for using *NiBabies*!
If you encounter any issues with this release, please let us know by posting an issue on our GitHub page!
Full Changelog
* DOC: Set up external readthedocs documentation (119) (126) (128)
* DOCKER: Reduce container image size (105) (133)
* DOCKER: Strip ABI tag from libQt5Core.so.5 (109)
* DOCKER: Modernize Dockerfile (85)
* ENH: Port slice timing correction enhancements from fMRIPrep (137)
* ENH: Change default `--output-layout` to bids (130)
* ENH: Subcortical alignment workflow (72)
* ENH: Framewise displacement head radius flag (104)
* ENH: Incorporate subcortical CIFTI alignment to functional processing (102)
* ENH: Do not run infant_recon_all if already completed (101)
* FIX: Handle sessions when grouping BOLDs (139)
* FIX: Ensure MNIInfant is added if no `--output-spaces` are used (136)
* FIX: Ensure `nibabies-wrapper` patches are correctly bound (113)
* FIX: BOLD to template normalization (99)
* FIX: SDC fieldwarp application (98)
* FIX: Avoid running BBReg under certain conditions (95)
* FIX: Standard output spaces (92)
* FIX: Small Docker environment fixes (86)
* FIX: Feed NiTransforms with LTAs of type RAS2RAS (84)
* MAINT: Rename default `infant_recon_all` output directory (129)
* MAINT: Bump SDCFlows to latest bugfix version (d799fee)
* MAINT: Attempt to pull most recent dev version (94)
* MAINT: Initial CircleCI workflow (93)
* STY: `black` nibabies module (118)