* Deprecated post_compilers for COMPILERS (Issue 601)
* Replaced post_pages option with POSTS and PAGES (Issue 601)
* Support for bootswatch in boostrap 2 and 3 (Issue 599)
* New ADDITIONAL_METADATA option to set extra metadata on all posts.
* All reStructuredText extensions are now plugins (Issue 621)
* New multiple comment system support (Issue 606, 634)
* Deprecated DISQUS_FORUM option for COMMENT_SYSTEM_ID
* New COMMENT_SYSTEM option to change comment systems, defaults to disqus
* New bootstrap3 theme (by areski)
* Added docs/upgrading-to-v6.txt for upgrade tips.
* Theme cleanup (Issue 599)
* Support for nested navigation links (Issue 104)
* New media directive for reStructuredText (Issue 608)
* New DEPLOY_DRAFTS and DEPLOY_FUTURE options (Issue 583)
* New Dutch translation
* Optional hyphenation (HYPHENATE option, Issue 576)
* Made AddThis support replaceable through new SOCIAL_BUTTONS_CODE option.
* categories
* Added a FUTURE_IS_NOW option for publishing future-dated posts now (Issues 486, 577)
* New typogrify filter (Issue 576)
* New COPY_SOURCES option, defaults to True (Issue 544)
* Customizable Read More (Issues 412, 533, 574)
* Support for LESS/RECESS CSS compilers
* Updated to Colorbox 1.4.27
* New pandoc compiler.
* Separate slides.tmpl template so that non-bootstrap themes can support them.
* New ADDITIONAL_METADATA option to specify metadata to include in the new_post
command, alongside with the defaults (Issue 622)
* Schedule new posts automatically by specifying an iCal recursive rule as
* Added missing rel="self" link suggested by feedvalidator.org (Issue 264)
* Switched to semantic versioning (Issue 614)
* Better figure styling (Issue 626)
* Switched docutils math rendering to MathJax (Issue 620)
* Refactored crumb bar into a separate tmpl to avoid code duplication (Issue 612)
* Fix broken config dep for tags when NAVIGATION_LINKS is not set (Issue 610)
* Fixed bundles in base theme
* Deprecated ANALYTICS, replaced with BODY_END (Issue 601)
* Deprecated SIDEBAR_LINKS, replaced with NAVIGATION_LINKS (Issue 104 601)
* Solve site theme's navbar overlapping Issues (Issue 585)
* Deprecated ADD_THIS_BUTTONS option.
* Show warning if unable to thumbnail an image (Issue 551)
* Use absolute URLs in feeds (Issue 590)
* Fix for mincss path munging (Issues 570 589)
* Added missing dependency in gallery indexes (Issue 536)
* Anchors in listings had wrong filename slugs
* Only warn about incomplete translations once (Issue 580)
* Right-align image title in colorbox to avoid overlapping so much (Mentioned in Issue 570)
* Added LICENSE in the footer (Issue 528)
* Use random IDs for slides so you can have more than one in a page (Issue 572)