* Substitutions for RSS_LINKS_APPEND_QUERY for identifying
the source feed (feedRelUri) and the kind of feed (feedFormat).
* New option GENERATE_ATOM, off by default
* Current and archive Atom feeds for indexes; category, tag, and archive indexes (RFC-4287 and RFC-5005)
* Atom feed auto-discovery in HTML indexes and category/tag indexes
* .atom included in the sitemap index
* New post metadata "updated", inherits "date" if unset
* Allow IPv6 in `nikola auto` (Issue 1682)
* Allow IPv6 in `nikola serve` (Issue 1682)
* Set default new site URL to https://example.com/
* Plugins can manipulate task dependencies (Issue 1679)
* LINK_CHECK_WHITELIST now works with output relative and full fs paths
* Four new filters: html_tidy_nowrap, html_tidy_wrap, html_tidy_wrap_attr,
and html_tidy_mini for prettification and minification. Requires tidy5.
* Multilingual sitemaps (Issue 1610)
* Compatibility with doit v0.28.0 (Issue 1655)
* AddThis is no longer added by default to users’ sites
* New translations (az, fil, tl, uk, zh_TW)
* Add reStructuredText transform support (Issue 1647)
* Produce Unicode output in ``nikola init`` (via Issue 1644)
* Add ``HIDDEN_TAGS`` and ``HIDDEN_CATEGORIES`` settings to hide some
tags and categories (eg. ``mathjax``) from view (Issue 1640)
* Instruct browsers to prefetch newest post when visiting the front page
* Add a ``sort`` parameter to the post-list directive to sort posts in
the list using natsort. (Issue 1635)
* Make ``.islink`` work properly (via Issue 1536)
* RSS_LINKS_APPEND_QUERY not working in RSS feeds for tags
* `nikola check -l` didn’t scan posts
* Don’t use sets for ``FAVICONS`` (Issue 1674)
* Posts/Pages that use post-list will never be up to date (Issue 1671)
* Support using post.text() in post_list_directive.tmpl (Issue 1671)
* Avoid recursive dep when using post-list in a post (Issue 1671)
* Encode IDNs to Punycode in ``nikola init`` and in links;
show an error if the site URL is not Punycode (Issue 1644)
* Make ``images`` the default output directory for IMAGE_FOLDERS
(Issue 1663)
* Don't default to any swatch in bootswatch_theme (Issue 1656)
* Fix ``nikola check -l`` for absolute and full-path URL styles
(Issue 1650)
* Really add missing trailing slashes in ``BASE_URL`` (Issue 1651)
* Check if files exists before adding them as post-list dependencies
(Issue 1646)
* Fix build command in ``nikola auto`` (Issue 1641)
* Update Bootstrap to v3.3.4
* Update jquery-colorbox
* Fix symlinks for moment.js in Windows
* Fix code.css bundling in Windows
* Listings in posts now work in Windows (Issue 1631)
* Add 20 seconds to reading time per embedded media