- All: Remove support for Tesseract \< 5.0.
- All: Faster startup if "Check for updates" is enabled.
- All: Refactor icon handling. Fixes a bug in the AUR package.
- All: Fix crash if tesseract data for English is missing.
- Linux: Fix FlatPak crashes due to missing permissions
- Prebuilt packages: Add UI for downloading additional languages.
- Prebuilt packages: Remove all default languages except English to reduce size.
- Prebuilt packages (Windows): Switch to different tesseract binaries, which should work
more reliable across systems. Unfortunately, it also enlarges the file size a lot.
Would be great to [get your feedback](https://github.com/dynobo/normcap/discussions)
on this! ([254](https://github.com/dynobo/normcap/issues/254))