- (Almost) complete rewrite of NormCap (things might be different!) - Provide easy to use binary package releases - Better support for HiDPI and multi monitor setups - Switch from Tk to Qt as UI Framework - System tray support (experimental)
- Switch to pyclip library for clipboard handling - Try a fix for macOS dummy window issue
- Handle missing system dependencies for the notification more gracefully - Update versions of python package dependencies
- Add installer for MS Windows to enable notification management - Fix crash caused by missing notification icon in certain setups
- Removed experimental tray icon support introduced in v0.1.7 (has caused unexpected issues).
- Switch method to show full-screen Windows to fix [Issue 88](https://github.com/dynobo/normcap/issues/88) - Introduce preview of [Tray Icon support](https://github.com/dynobo/normcap/issues/82). It is not stable yet, but you can test it using the new `--tray` command line switch.