+ If restrict_networks is null, treat it as an empty list. (fix 22)
* Explicitly include and order all dependent packages.
+ This is so that enum34 (dependency of cryptography) can be properly installed using an internal PyPI mirror (See: https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/1803)
* Removed six from requirements-dev.txt * Bumped version to differentiate these underlying changes.
+ Allow lookup of Devices by hostname or attributes.
* Added support for set operation queries on Devices and Networks. * New "query" endpoint on each of these resources take a "?query=" argument that is a string representation of attribute/value pairs for intersection, difference, and union operations. * All new functionality unit tested!
+ Bugfix for 500 error when creating Network w/ null cidr (fixes 13)
- Bug fix for 500 error when validating null hostname (fixes 11)