* A formal :ref:`deprecation-policy` has been implemented which dictates a
three-feature release cycle for removing deprecated API endpoints. Please see
the documentation on this topic for more details.
* Fix 203 - Implementation of Circuits as a resource object.
+ A Circuit has one-to-one relationship with each of A and Z side
endpoint Interfaces.
+ Circuits are resource objects and therefore may have attributes and
support set query lookups.
+ A circuit must have at least an A-side endpoint defined. For circuits for
which you do not own the remote end, you may leave the Z-side empty and
specify the remote endpoint by customizing the circuit name.
* Circuits have the following detail routes available in the API:
+ ``circuits/:id/devices/`` - List peer devices on either end of circuit
+ ``circuits/:id/interfaces/`` - List interfaces bound to the circuit
+ ``circuits/:id/addresses/`` - List addresses bound to circuit interfaces
* Interfaces have a new ``interfaces/:id/circuit/`` detail route that will
display the circuit to which an interface is bound.
* Devices have a new ``devices/:id/circuits/`` detail route that will
display all circuits bound to interfaces on the device.
* Fix 191 - The Interface object unicode representation changed to
``device_hostname:name`` so that it can more easily be used as a slug for
computing Circuit slug.
* Fix 230 - The misspelled ``networks/:id/descendents/`` API endpoint is
pending deprecation in exchange for ``networks/:id/descendants/``.