What's Changed
* promote origin dates to indexed dates by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1518
* enable metrics on node read replicas by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1517
* support concurrent shard replication by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1489
* better replication healthy check by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1522
* rename usage of nucliadb analytics by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1523
* date range query by hermeGarcia in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1526
* add reindex and reprocess to sdk by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1524
* better date range tests by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1530
* Create new training to stream ordered paragraphs by jotare in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1531
* Be able to create a KB in experimental channel in stage by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1533
* Add paragraph streaming to dataset tasks by jotare in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1534
* Unify release channel in config and shards obj by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1537
* After spec upload, trigger merge+deploy by ebrehault in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1541
* graceful grpc server shutdown by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1532
* add read replica label by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1542
* fix merge trigger by ebrehault in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1543
* Query planner and pre-filtering stage by hermeGarcia in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1538
* Fix mypy on LRU type hints by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1545
* Remove export import as task feature flag by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1546
* Cut new version release by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1547
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/compare/v2.29.0...v2.30.0