What's Changed
* retry conflict errors by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1125
* More chat audit improvements by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1129
* Abort transactions asynchronously on search by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1133
* Audit only user provided context by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1134
* Update README.md by pyrokin5 in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1126
* WillNeed for vector storage and sequential for hnsw by hermeGarcia in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1139
* fix s3 support by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1135
* add simple VM install script by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1136
* Fix transaction contextmanager by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1140
* Upgrade CloudFile.size field from int32 to uint64 by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1138
* do not include version in chart filename by vangheem in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1141
* Purge needs cluster to delete shards by lferran in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1144
New Contributors
* pyrokin5 made their first contribution in https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/pull/1126
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nuclia/nucliadb/compare/v2.18.0...v2.19.0