* Array alignment problem for stack arrays allocated for kernel arguments. (1357)
* Issue 892, 906 caused by incorrect code generation for indexing (1377)
* Generation of `KernelHasReturnValueError` error inside `KernelDispatcher`. (1394)
* Issue 1390: broken support for slicing into `dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` in kernels (1425)
* Support for Wheels package on Windows (1430)
* Incorrect mangled name for kernel function arguments (1443)
* Remove artifacts from conda/wheel packages residing in root level (1450)
* GDB tests to work properly on Intel Max GPU (1451)
* Improper wheels installation on unsupported platforms (1452)
* Ref-counting of Python object temporaries in unboxing code (1454)
* Segfault caused by using `malloc` to allocate `NRT_MemInfo`. Replaced with Numba's NRT `alloc` (1458)
* Incorrect package name in (1463)
* A new overloaded `dimensions` attribute for all index-space id classes (1359)
* Support for `AtomicRef` creation using multi-dimensional arrays (1367)
* Support for linearized indexing functions inside a JIT compiled kernel (1368)
* Improved documentation: overview (1341), kernel programming guide (1388), API docs (1414), configs options (1415), comparison with SYCL API (1417)
* New `PrivateArray` class in `kernel_api` to replace `dpex.private.array` (1370, 1377)
* Support for libsycinterface::DPCTLKernelArgType enum for specifying type of kernel args instead of hard coding (1382)
* New indexing unit tests for kernel_api simulator and JIT compiled modes (1378)
* New unit tests to verify all `kernel_api` features usable inside `device_func` (1391)
* A `sycl::local_accessor`-like API (`kernel_api.LocalAccessor`) for numba-dpex kernel (1331)
* Specialization support for `device_func` decorator (1398)
* Support for all `kernel_api` functions inside the `numba_dpex.kernel` decorator. (1400)
* Support for dpnp 0.15 (1434, 1464)
* Improvements to pyproject.toml configs to build numba-dpex from source. (1449)
* Load the `SPV_INTEL_variable_length_array` SPIR-V extension to supporting arrays in private address-space on Intel Max GPU. (1451)
* Default inline threshold value set to `2` from `None`. (1385)
* Port parfor kernel templates to `kernel_api` (1416), (1424)
* Use `SPIRVKernelDispatcher` for parfor kernel dispatch (1435, 1448)
* All examples use the latest dpctl API (1431)
* Minimum required dpctl version is now 0.16.1
* Minimum required numba version is now 0.59.0 (1462)
* OpenCL-like kernel API functions (1420)
* `func` decorator (replaced by `device_func`) (1400)
* `numba_dpex.experimental.kernel` and `numba_dpex.experimental.device_func` (1400)