
Latest version: v0.23.0

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* Support addition and multiplication-based prange reduction loops (999)
* Proper boxing, unboxing of dpctl.SyclQueue objects inside dpjit decorated functions (963, 1064)
* Support for `queue` keyword arguments inside dpnp array constructors in dpjit (1032)
* Overloads for dpnp array constructors: dpnp.full (991), dpnp.full_like (997)
* Support for complex64 and complex128 types as kernel arguments and in parfors (1033, 1035)
* New config to run the ConstantSizeStaticLocalMemoryPass optionally (999)
* Support for Numba 0.57 (1030, 1003, 1002)
* Support for Python 3.11 (1054)
* Support for SPIRV 1.4 (1056, 1060)

* Parfor lowering happens using the kernel pipeline (996)
* Minimum required Numba version is now 0.57 (1030)
* Numba monkey patches are moved to numba_dpex.numba_patches (1030)
* Redesigned unit test suite (1018, 1017, 1015, 1036, 1037, 1072)

* Fix stride computation when unboxing a dpnp array (1023)
* Using cached queue instead of creating new one on type inference (946)
* Fixed bug in reduction mul operation for dpjit (1048)
* Offload of parfor nodes to OpenCL UHD GPU devices (1074)

* Support for offloading NumPy-based parfor nodes to SYCL devices (1041)
* Removed rename_numpy_functions_pass (1041)
* Dpnp overloads using stubs (1041, 1025)
* Support for `like` keyword argument in dpnp array constructor overloads (1043)
* Support for NumPy arrays as kernel arguments (1049)
* Kernel argument access specifiers (1049)
* Support for dpctl.device_context to launch kernels and njit offloading (1041)


* Replaced llvm_spirv from oneAPI path by dpcpp-llvm-spirv package.(979)
* Added Dockerfile and a manual workflow to publish pre-built packages to the repo.(973)

* Fixed default dtype derivation when creating a dpnp.ndarray. (993)
* Adjusted test_windows step to work with intel-opencl-rt=2023.1.0. (990)
* Fixed layout in dpnp overload.(987)
* Handled the case when arraystruct->meminfo is null to close gh-965. (972)


* New dpjit decorator supporting dpnp compilation (887)
* Boxing and unboxing functionality for dpnp.ndarray to numba_dpex (902)
* New DpexTarget and dispatcher for compiling dpnp using numba-dpex (887)
* Overload implementation for dpnp.empty (902)
* Overload implementation for dpnp.empty_like, dpnp.zeros_like and
dpnp.ones_like inside dpjit (928)
* Overload implementation for dpnp.zeros and dpnp.ones inside dpjit (923)
* Compilation and offload support for dpnp vector style expressions using Numba
parfors (957)
* Compilation of over 70 ufuncs for dpnp inside dpjit (957)
* Backported the split parfor pass from upstream Numba. (949)
* Numba type aliases to numba_dpex. (851)
* Numba prange alias inside numba_dpex. (957)
* New LRU cache for kernels (804) and funcs (877)
* New Range and NdRange classes for kernel submission that follow sycl's range
and ndrange syntax. (888)
* Monkey pacthes to Numba 0.56.4 to support dpnp ufuncs, allocating dpnp
arrays (954)
* New config flag (NUMBA_DPEX_DUMP_KERNEL_LLVM) to dump a kernel's
LLVM IR (924)
* A badge to our gitter chatroom (919)
* A small script to update copyright headers (917)
* A new dpexrt_python extension to support USM allocators for Numba
NRT_MemInfo (902)
* Updated examples for kernel API demonstrating compute-follows-data programming
model. (826)

* `CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE` and `CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE` flags renamed to
* Switched from Ubuntu-latest to Ubuntu-20.04 for conda package build (836)
* Rename USMNdArrayType to USMNdArray (851)
* Changes to the Numba type to represent dpnp ndarray typess now renamed to
DpnpNdarray (880)
* Improved exceptions and user errors (804)
* Updated internal API for kernel interface with improved support for
`__sycl_usm_array_interface__` protocol (804)
* Pin generated spirv version for kernels to 1.1 (885)
* Rename DpexContext and DpexTypingContext to DpexKernelTarget and
DpexKernelTypingContext (887)
* Renamed existing dpnp overloads that used stubs to (953)
* Dpctl version requirement mismatch is now a warning and not an
ImportError (925)
* Update to versioneer 0.28 (827)
* Update to dpctl 0.14 (858)
* Update linters: black to 23.1.0, isort to 5.12.0 (900)
* License in to match actual project licensing (904)

* Kernel specialization, compute follows data programming model for
kernels (804)
* Dispatcher/caching rewrite to address performance regression (912, 896)
* func decorator qualname ambiguation fix (905)

* Removes the numpy_usm_shared module from numba_dpex. (841)
* Removes the usage of llvmlite.llvmpy (932)

* Support for NumPy arrays as kernel arguments (804)
* Kernel argument access specifiers (804)
* Support for dpctl.device_context to launch kernels and njit offloading (804)
* Dpnp overloads using stubs. (953)


* Supported numba0.56. (818)
* Supported dpnp0.11 and dpctl0.14.
* Added customized exception classes. (798)

* Fixed a crash when calling take() for input array with non-integer values. (771)
* Fixed to run on machine with no FP64 support in HW. (806)


* Implemented support for `dpnp.empty()` (728)

* numba-dppy package is now renamed to numba-dpex.


* Run coverage in GitHub Actions and upload results to (621)
* Change black to only allow 80 char lines. Reformat sources. (631)
* Ignore formatting changes from git-blame. (632)
* Add `` with `numba_version` (656)
* Add skip_no_numba055 decorator (662)
* Parameterize test for atomics (661)
* Reuse decorator `skip_no_opencl_Xpu` to skip tests (663)
* Add decorator to skip unsupported atomics (664)
* Support arrays with `__sycl_usm_array_interface__` attribute (629)
* Support memory allocation in private address space (640)
* Move skips for opencl to helper (665)
* Support dpctl 0.12 (669)
* Implement compute-follows-data programming model [kernel API] (598)
* Use filter_str to skip tests on missing devices (672)
* Add check for DPNP and pin MKL version in workflow and dev environment (648)
* Add CODEOWNERS for distributing review process (670)
* Add `skip_no_dpnp` and apply it to all tests (668)
* Test skipping improvements (675)
* Use Python 3.9 in dev environment and pin DPNP (644)
* Add examples into package (680)
* Make possible to force debugging tests (681)
* Refactoring for debugging tests (682)
* Adopt Numba 0.55 debugging features (654)
* Run public CI on pull request (695)
* Support for coverage in internal CI (708)
* Update to dpnp 0.10 (709)
* Update recipe with dpctl and dpnp version for build (710)

* Move `dpcpp/llvm-spirv` from runtime to testing dependency (659)

* Fix building with DPNP (674)
* Fix public CI: opencl driver, channel priority, dpctl version (691)
* Fix codestyle black (696)
* Fix documentation generation (697)
* Load dpctl lib on Linux using `` (707)
* Fix search llvm-spirv if dpcpp compiler package is not installed (703)
* Pin dpnp version in runtime to allow dev versions of dpnp (712)

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