Highlights of this release include:
- Support for Python 3.12.
- A fix for relocation overflows on AArch64 systems.
- Binding layer: new queries for incoming blocks of phi instructions, type
kinds, and elements. Addition of the Instruction Namer pass.
- IR layer: Support `convergent` as an attribute of function calls and call
* PR `973 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/973>`_: Bindings: Query incoming blocks of a phi instruction (`tbennun <https://github.com/tbennun>`_)
* PR `978 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/978>`_: Bindings: Query type kinds, derived types, and elements (`tbennun <https://github.com/tbennun>`_ `sklam <https://github.com/sklam>`_)
* PR `981 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/981>`_: Add Instruction Namer pass to PassManager (`tbennun <https://github.com/tbennun>`_)
* PR `993 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/993>`_: Update changelog on main for 0.41.0 (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1005 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1005>`_: Remove suggestion that add_global_mapping() is unused (`gmarkall <https://github.com/gmarkall>`_)
* PR `1006 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1006>`_: Release Notes 0.41.1 for main (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1007 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1007>`_: update release checklists post 0.41.1 (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1009 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1009>`_: Fix relocation overflows by implementing preallocation in the memory manager (`gmarkall <https://github.com/gmarkall>`_)
* PR `1010 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1010>`_: Python 3.12 (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1012 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1012>`_: conda-recipe cleanups (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1014 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1014>`_: Fix conda-recipe syntax errors from #1012 (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1017 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1017>`_: add 3.12 to azure (`esc <https://github.com/esc>`_)
* PR `1018 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1018>`_: Bump minimum supported Python version to 3.9 (`kc611 <https://github.com/kc611>`_)
* PR `1019 <https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/pull/1019>`_: Add convergent as a supported FunctionAttribute and CallInstrAttribute. (`diptorupd <https://github.com/diptorupd>`_)
* `diptorupd <https://github.com/diptorupd>`_
* `esc <https://github.com/esc>`_
* `gmarkall <https://github.com/gmarkall>`_
* `kc611 <https://github.com/kc611>`_
* `sklam <https://github.com/sklam>`_
* `tbennun <https://github.com/tbennun>`_