The main feature in this release is Python 3.9 support. Also, some changes to
the build scripts were included: the llvmdev recipe now supports compilation on
Windows 10 and llvmlite may now be compiled with cmake on POSIX systems.
Additionally, both the timings from the LLVM passes themselves and the time
spent within the LLVM thread-safe access lock are now available for diagnostic
purposes. Lastly, several minor cosmetic changes to the documentation and
project files are included.
Pull requests:
* PR 624: Expose pass timings
* PR 655: Switch encoding to UTF-8 from latin1
* PR 662: Delete ``requirements.txt``
* PR 666: fix rst syntax in install docs
* PR 668: Modify cmake options to work with VS2019
* PR 670: Llvmdev windows 10
* PR 671: Python 3.9 support
* PR 673: use build 2 on windows
* PR 677: Support building with CMake on posix systems
* PR 682: slight rearrangement of intro
* PR 685: Added fneg instruction
* PR 687: Cleanup public CI configuration and badge
* PR 689: fixup azure badge to point at master branch
* PR 690: Callback to track when the llvm lock is acquired and released
* PR 699: adapt Python version clamp from Numba
* PR 701: Improve llvm not found error
* Graham Markall
* John Kirkham
* Peter-Jan Gootzen
* Siu Kwan Lam (core dev)
* Stan Seibert (core dev)
* Stuart Archibald (core dev)
* Uwe L. Korn
* Valentin Haenel (core dev)
* ``ARF1``
* ``abebeos``
* ``0x5h4un``