
Latest version: v2.9.11

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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*Released date : March 31 2020*

Total rework of the OctoBot Tentacles Manager for OctoBot 0.4
New feature :
- APIs and CLI for each action
- Async file management
- Tentacles packages management
- Tentacles configuration management
- Tentacles loading management


*Released date : December 28 2019*

New feature :
- Disable specify tentacle target directory


*Released date : September 16 2019*

New feature :
- Can now specify the tentacle target directory


*Released date : June 2 2019*

New feature :
- Now store tentacles config schemas as well as tentacles config in default folder
Bug fix :
- Fixed config file sometimes not created on tentacles update


*Released date : Mai 8 2019*

New feature :
- Fixed import error


*Released date : Mai 5 2019*

New feature :
- Handle config schema

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