
Latest version: v2.9.11

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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*Released date : April 14 2019*

New feature :
- Log hotfix


*Released date : April 14 2019*

New feature :
- Now do not display in dev tentacles when update or uninstall if dev mode is not activated


*Released date : April 13 2019*

New feature :
- Install now only reset tentacle config file if config file is missing


*Released date : February 17 2019*

New feature :
- Can now specify a github branch using default_git_branch argument in parse_commands or by adding the branch argument in command argument in parse_commands
*Released date : February 7 2019*

Bug fixes :
- Fix tentacle creator


*Released date : February 7 2019*

Bug fixes :
- Fix init file creation & update

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