
Latest version: v6.7.1

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What's Changed
* build(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 24.1.16 to 24.1.17 by dependabot in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/488
* build(deps-dev): bump pytest-random-order from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/491
* add oelint.vars.virtual rule by priv-kweihmann in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/492

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/compare/4.0.0...4.1.0


This release adapts to the latest oelint-parser release

Breaking changes

- `--constantfile` option has been removed, as deprecated by the parser


- `--release` option to specify a Yocto project release to check against (default currently is nanbield)
- Rule can now be constrained against releases
- Some automated fixtures are applied by the specified `--release` e.g. override syntax
- `oelint.vars.mispell.unknown` rule to inform about entirely unknown variables
- `oelint.vars.srcurioptions` earned support for `gs://` fetcher
- `oelint.var.addpylib` to check on the correct usage of `addpylib` statements
- rule can now override the default severity when reporting a finding
- Not applicable `nooelint` statements will be now reported as `oelint.file.inlinesuppress_na`
- `oelint.var.inherit` checks on `inherit` vs `inherit_defer` usage (scarthgap an newer releases)


- main: configuration is now shared via State class between different processes of the multiprocessing pool
- requirements: wheel has been moved to requirements-dev
- updated documentation
- main: only spawn the needed amount of processes instead of using all cores (in case groups < of cores)

Closed tickets

- [481](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/issues/481)
- [362](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/issues/362)
- [477](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/issues/477)



What's Changed
* misspell: make confidence configurable by priv-kweihmann in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/483

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/compare/3.26.12...3.26.13


What's Changed
* misspell: ignore task flag statements by priv-kweihmann in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/480

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/compare/3.26.11...3.26.12


What's Changed
* misspell: bail out earlier for known vars by priv-kweihmann in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/478

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/compare/3.26.10...3.26.11

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