What's Changed
* new rule: Check for Upstream-Status value by 610
* cli: new ``--mode`` parameter (default 'fast').
If configured to ``all``, layer, distro and machine configurations (if passed by CI) are checked as well.
In addition also the negative branch of inline expressions is checked (see 597)
This adds the requested support from 607
* new rule: Target classes inherited last 601
* tests: pytest-xdist will finally help to speed up testing
* new rule: oelint.vars.machineconf to check machine configs (requires ``--mode=all``)
* new rule: oelint.vars.layerconf to check layer configs
* new rule: oelint.vars.distroconf to check distro configs (requires ``--mode=all``)
* when running ``--mode=all`` all combinations of distro, machine configs and the passed recipes file will be checked.
If a larger stack is passed that could result in a significant increase of computing time needed
* build(deps-dev): bump flake8-bugbear from 24.4.26 to 24.8.19 by dependabot in https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/pull/608
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/oelint-adv/compare/5.7.2...6.0.0