What's Changed
* Fix default z,c,t values of add_tiffdata by sbesson in https://github.com/ome/ome-model/pull/115
* Linkcheck fixes by sbesson in https://github.com/ome/ome-model/pull/116
* Add companion plate to the sample OME-TIFF page by sbesson in https://github.com/ome/ome-model/pull/117
* Fix hyperlink to idr0013 URL by sbesson in https://github.com/ome/ome-model/pull/118
* Add PyPI deployment to Travis by sbesson in https://github.com/ome/ome-model/pull/119
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ome/ome-model/compare/v6.1.1...v6.1.2