support for tiled images, multi-resolution files (mip/ripmaps),
environment maps, and abstracted file I/O. We've also released a new
set of images that demonstrate these features, and updated the
CodeWarrior project and Photoshop plugins for this release. See the
downloads section for the source code and the new images.
Detailed Changes:
* Added new targets to Visual C++ .NET 2003 project
for exrmaketiled, exrenvmap, exrmakepreview, and exrstdattr.
(Drew Hess)
* A few assorted Win32 fixes for Imath. (Drew Hess)
* GNU autoconf builds now produce versioned libraries.
This release is 1:0:0. (Drew Hess)
* Fixes for Visual C++ .NET 2003. (Paul Schneider)
* Updated Visual C++ zlib project file to zlib 1.2.1.
(Drew Hess)
* exrdisplay: Fixed fragment shader version. (Drew Hess)
* *Test: Fixed some compiler issues. (Drew Hess)
* Imath: Handle "restrict" keyword properly. (Drew Hess)
* IlmImfExamples: Updated to latest versions of example
source code, includes tiling and multi-res images.
(Florian Kainz)
* exrmakepreview: A new utility to create preview images.
(Florian Kainz)
* exrenvmap: A new utility to create OpenEXR environment
maps. (Florian Kainz)
* exrstdattr: A new utility to modify standard
attributes. (Florian Kainz)
* Updated exrheader to print level rounding mode and
preview image size. (Florian Kainz)
* Updated exrmaketiled to use level rounding mode.
(Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Changed the orientation of lat-long envmaps to
match typical panoramic camera setups. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Fixed a bug where partially-completed files with
DECREASING_Y could not be read. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Added support for selectable rounding mode (up/down)
when generating multiresolution files. (Florian Kainz)
* exrdisplay: Support for tiled images, mip/ripmaps, preview
images, and display windows. (Florian Kainz, Drew Hess)
* exrmaketiled: A new utility which generates tiled
versions of OpenEXR images. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Changed Imf::VERSION to Imf::EXR_VERSION to
work around problems with autoconf VERSION macro
conflict. (Drew Hess)
* exrheader: Support for tiles, mipmaps, environment
maps. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Environment map support. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Abstracted stream I/O support. (Florian Kainz)
* IlmImf: Support for tiled and mip/ripmapped files;
requires new file format. (Wojciech Jarosz, Florian Kainz)
* Imath: **TMatrix**, generic 2D matricies and algorithms.
(Francesco Callari)
* Imath: major quaternions cleanup. (Cary Phillips)
* Imath: added GLBegin, GLPushAttrib, GLPushMatrix objects
for automatic cleanup on exceptions. (Cary Phillips)
* Imath: removed implicit scalar->vector promotions and vector
comparisons. (Nick Rasmussen)