* Added `SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA` to `Sound` class
* Added `openfl.net.SecureSocket` class implementation
* Added `openfl.display.NativeWindow` class implementation
* Added partial `openfl.desktop.NativeApplication` implementation, including `applicationID`, `exit()`, `Event.ACTIVATE`, `Event.DEACTIVATE`, `InvokeEvent.INVOKE` for launch command line arguments, and properties to test if features are supported
* Added `openfl.display.Screen` class implementation
* Added `openfl.net.FileReferenceList` class implementation for html5 target
* Added `upload()` implementation to `FileReference` for sys targets
* Added `updateAfterEvent()` to `MouseEvent`, `KeyboardEvent`, `TouchEvent`, and `TimerEvent`
* Added `separator` and `lineEncoding` properties to `File` class
* Added `localPort`, `localAddress`, `remotePort`, and `remoteAddress` to `Socket` class on sys targets
* Added `useWeakReference` support to `addEventListener()` on html5 and cpp targets
* Added support for referencing environment variables, like `%PROGRAMFILES%` in `File` path values on Windows
* Added various enum, event, and error types to improve parity with types available in Adobe AIR
* Added basic implementation of `flash.text.StageText` that falls back to `TextField`, similar to AIR desktop
* Replaced `String` with `EventType` in `FileListEvent`, `DatagramSocketEvent`, and `ServerSocketConnectEvent` for better compile-time checks
* Fixed Flash/AIR compatibility for `DatagramSocketEvent`, and `ServerSocketConnectEvent` classes
* Fixed wrong type on `size` for `FileReference` and `File` to make it `Float` instead of `Int` (Some code may need to use `Std.int()` after this change)
* Fixed missing `controlKey` property on `MouseEvent`
* Fixed missing `Event.OPEN` dispatch from `download()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed corrupted binary files from `download()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed cut and copy not being blocked by `TextField` when `displayAsPassword` is true
* Fixed missing `Event.OPEN`, `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS`, `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS`, and `DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE` events from `upload()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed `responseHeaders` on `URLLoader` that should have defaulted to an empty array instead of null
* Fixed `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS` on `URLLoader`, which should not have included `responseURL` and `responseHeaders`
* Fixed missing `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS` on `URLLoader`, which is where `responseURL` and `responseHeaders` should have been
* Fixed runtime exception when using hardware-only texture with `beginBitmapFill()` by drawing black rectangle instead
* Fixed `BackgroundWorker` deprecation warning when using `File` and `FileStream` after `ThreadPool` is introduced in Lime
* Fixed events being dispatched from wrong thread when using asynchronous `File` APIs
* Fixed dragging to scroll in `TextField` when scaled, by switching to `getBounds()`
* Fixed empty `data` value on `URLLoader` when dispatching `IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR` and server returned a response
* Fixed `Vector.ofArray()` on flash/air targets
* Fixed wrong signature on `Socket` constructor, which should not have had default values
* Fixed incorrect "Lime Application" window title when targeting Adobe AIR on desktop
* Fixed missing cleanup code when closing windows and shutting down application that could lead to memory leaks
* Fixed event listener issue in `TextField` by comparing stage values to avoid issues with multiple windows or null stage
* Fixed typo in name of `Context3DAlphaMaskShader` class
* Fixed `FlashGraphics` being included in other targets under some circumstances by adding `if flash` conditional
* Fixed `openfl.globalization`, `Namespace`, and `QName` issues in npm version
* Fixed incorrect condition that caused issues in `ShapeCache`
* Fixed `Socket` incorrectly dispatching `Event.CONNECT` for unconnected sockets on Windows
* Fixed wrong caps/joints in line style returned by `readGraphicsData()`
* Added `openfl_hack_fix_chrome_text` define to workaround a bug in Chrome that garbles text
* Added `openfl_disable_text_measurement_cache` define to allow the `TextField` shape measurement cache to be optionally disabled