
Latest version: v1.6

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* Added `openfl_enable_experimental_update_queue` define, which enables an optimized update queue to improve rendering performance
* Added `url` property to `openfl.filesystem.File` class
* Added `workingDirectory` static property to `openfl.filesystem.File` class
* Added dispatch of `Event.CUT`, `Event.COPY`, `Event.PASTE`, and `Event.SELECT_ALL` events to focused display object when keyboard shortcuts are used
* Added `upload()` implementation to `FileReference` for HTML5 (it already existed for native)
* Added `app:` URI scheme for files that translates to `File.applicationDirectory`
* Added `app-storage:` URI scheme for files that translates to `File.applicationStorageDirectory`
* Added support for `dataFormat = VARIABLES`, which sets `data` property to a new `URLVariables` object
* Added `encodeURIComponent()` and `decodeURIComponent()` to `openfl.Lib`
* Added `describeType()` to `openfl.Lib`
* Added word selection to `TextField` by double-clicking and dragging
* Added dispatch of `Event.OPEN` and `ProgressEvent.PROGRESS` events to ``
* Added support for `SpreadMethod.REPEAT` and `SpreadMethod.REFLECT` for gradients in `openfl.display.Graphics` when targeting HTML5
* Added uncaught error events for exceptions thrown in functions called by `dispatchEvent()`, `Lib.setInterval()` and `Lib.setTimeout()`
* Added `openfl.display.ScreenMode` implementation
* Added `mode`, `modes`, and `visibleBounds` properties to `openfl.display.Screen`
* Added `withCredentials` property to `URLRequest` to be used on HTML5 target for cross-origin requests
* Added dispatch of `Event.CLOSE` to `` class if bind fails
* Added `readInt64()` and `writeInt64()` to `ByteArray`
* Added `addToOutput()`, `interpolateToOutput()`, `polarToOutput()` and `subtractToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Point`
* Added `intersectionToOutput()` and `unionToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Rectangle`
* Added `deltaTransformPointToOutput()` and `transformPointToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Matrix`
* Added `getRelativeMatrix3DToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Transform`
* Added `decomposeToOutput()`, `deltaTransformVectorToOutput()`, `interpolateToOutput()`, and `transformVectorToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Matrix3D`
* Added `addToOutput()`, `crossProductToOutput()`, and `subtractToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Vector3D`
* Added `toMatrix3DToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.PerspectiveProjection`
* Added `projectVectorToOutput()` to `openfl.geom.Utils3D`
* Fixed support for reading and writing classes that implement `IExternalizable` interface to `ByteArray`
* Fixed support for reading and writing `openfl.Vector` to `ByteArray`
* Fixed `rotation` property on display objects not being clamped to the range between `-180.0` and `180.0`
* Fixed `Capabilities.playerType` value on `sys` targets, which should return "Desktop" instead of "StandAlone"
* Fixed utest library breaking the default HTML5 template, and added `openfl_enable_utest_legacy_mode` define to restore old behavior, if desired
* Fixed `AsyncErrorEvent` not being able to accept other types besides ``
* Fixed bad calculation of `TextField` bounds that sometimes accounted for the "gutter" twice
* Fixed incorrect letter spacing after changing the font size on `TextField` on native targets
* Fixed missing `TypeError` when setting `text` or `htmlText` to `null`
* Fixed using hardware-only `BitmapData` with `beginBitmapFill()` and `drawTriangles()` on `Graphics`
* Fixed types of many local variables that defaulted to `Dynamic` because they didn't define a type and weren't initialized for type inference
* Fixed `Lib.getDefinitionByName()` support for `::` between package and base name
* Fixed missing error handling in `FileReference.load()` for HTML5 target
* Fixed passing another `ByteArray` to `ByteArray.writeObject()`
* Fixed behavior of `openfl_enable_handle_error` and `openfl_disable_handle_error` defines
* Fixed `` incorrectly attempting to connect if `host` is `null`
* Fixed null exception in `` when trying to get addresses or ports and the socket is not connected
* Fixed value of `localPort` on `` class when the system selects the next available port
* Fixed null exception sometimes thrown from calling `close()` on `` class
* Fixed certain `ByteArray` values that weren't defaulting to `BIG_ENDIAN` when reading or writing AMF data
* Fixed `deleteDirectory()` on `openfl.filesystem.File` class failing to delete sub-directories when `deleteDirectoryContents` parameter is `true`
* Fixed crash on calling `listen()` on `` when `backlog` parameter is `0` and targeting Neko



* Fixed `close()` method on `Sound` failing to stop `SoundChannel`
* Fixed memory leak in `TextField` if removed from stage while focused
* Fixed memory leak in `Stage` when tracking double-click events
* Fixed memory leak in `Stage` when setting `focus` property to `null`
* Fixed missing translation of `'` when parsing `htmlText` on `TextField`
* Fixed missing automatic `stopDrag()` when object is removed from stage after `startDrag()`
* Fixed missing exception when attempting to add a display object as a child of itself
* Fixed calculation of `scrollRect` and Stage 3D scissor rect bounds when rendering
* Fixed `download()` method on `FileReference` when targeting HTML5
* Fixed `Socket` failing to detect closure from remote host
* Fixed value of `clickCount` on `MouseEvent`
* Fixed unspecified behavior from `null` key in `ObjectPool`
* Fixed many local variable types inferred incorrectly as `Dynamic` instead of something more specific



* Disabled `useWeakReference` support for `addEventListener()` on cpp target due to incompatibilities (but it is still enabled on html5 target)
* Fixed possibility of setting `scrollH` and `scrollV` outside of allowed range
* Fixed vector graphics rendering incorrectly when `scale9Grid` is set, and added `openfl_force_gl_cacheasbitmap_for_scale9grid` define to re-enable the old behavior
* Fixed socket connect timeout being ignored in some situations
* Fixed `DeviceRotation` and `Geolocation` classes not found when targeting AIR
* Fixed crash when using compressed texture with `Tilemap`
* Fixed crash when highlighting text with ligatures
* Fixed exception on URL encoding when non-string value passed to `URLVariables`
* Fixed missing separator between directory and file in result of `File.getDirectoryListingAsync()`
* Fixed certain classes being exposed to flash target, when they should be available in the air target only
* Fixed `--macro include("openfl")` when targeting flash or air
* Fixed compilation of `FileReference` on non-sys desktop targets
* Fixed `ByteArray` incompatibility with ``



* Fixed playback of very long sounds by changing arithmetic to avoid integer overflow
* Fixed exception when calling `draw()` on `BitmapData` when `readable` is `false`
* Fixed `Sound` not playing when calling `play()` immediately after `load()`, but before `Event.COMPLETE`
* Fixed `Sound` incorrectly throwing exception about valid `SampleDataEvent` range when listener generates zero samples
* Fixed `Sound` incorrectly throwing exception about valid `SampleDataEvent` range when `play()` is called between `load()` and `Event.COMPLETE`
* Fixed `Sound` incorrectly continuing to dispatch `SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA` after a previous dispatch generated zero samples
* Fixed `SoundChannel` ignoring `stop()` when generating audio with `SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA`
* Fixed `SoundChannel` failing to dispatch `Event.SOUND_COMPLETE` when `SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA` listener generates zero samples or is stopped
* Fixed `FileReferenceList` not dispatching `Event.CANCEL` when zero files are selected on html5 target, to better match `FileReference`
* Improved error message when calling `Sound.fromFile()` when file cannot be loaded



* Compatibility fixes for Haxe 3 and Haxe 4.0.x and the npm release



* Added `SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA` to `Sound` class
* Added `` class implementation
* Added `openfl.display.NativeWindow` class implementation
* Added partial `openfl.desktop.NativeApplication` implementation, including `applicationID`, `exit()`, `Event.ACTIVATE`, `Event.DEACTIVATE`, `InvokeEvent.INVOKE` for launch command line arguments, and properties to test if features are supported
* Added `openfl.display.Screen` class implementation
* Added `` class implementation for html5 target
* Added `upload()` implementation to `FileReference` for sys targets
* Added `updateAfterEvent()` to `MouseEvent`, `KeyboardEvent`, `TouchEvent`, and `TimerEvent`
* Added `separator` and `lineEncoding` properties to `File` class
* Added `localPort`, `localAddress`, `remotePort`, and `remoteAddress` to `Socket` class on sys targets
* Added `useWeakReference` support to `addEventListener()` on html5 and cpp targets
* Added support for referencing environment variables, like `%PROGRAMFILES%` in `File` path values on Windows
* Added various enum, event, and error types to improve parity with types available in Adobe AIR
* Added basic implementation of `flash.text.StageText` that falls back to `TextField`, similar to AIR desktop
* Replaced `String` with `EventType` in `FileListEvent`, `DatagramSocketEvent`, and `ServerSocketConnectEvent` for better compile-time checks
* Fixed Flash/AIR compatibility for `DatagramSocketEvent`, and `ServerSocketConnectEvent` classes
* Fixed wrong type on `size` for `FileReference` and `File` to make it `Float` instead of `Int` (Some code may need to use `` after this change)
* Fixed missing `controlKey` property on `MouseEvent`
* Fixed missing `Event.OPEN` dispatch from `download()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed corrupted binary files from `download()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed cut and copy not being blocked by `TextField` when `displayAsPassword` is true
* Fixed missing `Event.OPEN`, `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS`, `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS`, and `DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE` events from `upload()` on `FileReference`
* Fixed `responseHeaders` on `URLLoader` that should have defaulted to an empty array instead of null
* Fixed `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS` on `URLLoader`, which should not have included `responseURL` and `responseHeaders`
* Fixed missing `HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS` on `URLLoader`, which is where `responseURL` and `responseHeaders` should have been
* Fixed runtime exception when using hardware-only texture with `beginBitmapFill()` by drawing black rectangle instead
* Fixed `BackgroundWorker` deprecation warning when using `File` and `FileStream` after `ThreadPool` is introduced in Lime
* Fixed events being dispatched from wrong thread when using asynchronous `File` APIs
* Fixed dragging to scroll in `TextField` when scaled, by switching to `getBounds()`
* Fixed empty `data` value on `URLLoader` when dispatching `IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR` and server returned a response
* Fixed `Vector.ofArray()` on flash/air targets
* Fixed wrong signature on `Socket` constructor, which should not have had default values
* Fixed incorrect "Lime Application" window title when targeting Adobe AIR on desktop
* Fixed missing cleanup code when closing windows and shutting down application that could lead to memory leaks
* Fixed event listener issue in `TextField` by comparing stage values to avoid issues with multiple windows or null stage
* Fixed typo in name of `Context3DAlphaMaskShader` class
* Fixed `FlashGraphics` being included in other targets under some circumstances by adding `if flash` conditional
* Fixed `openfl.globalization`, `Namespace`, and `QName` issues in npm version
* Fixed incorrect condition that caused issues in `ShapeCache`
* Fixed `Socket` incorrectly dispatching `Event.CONNECT` for unconnected sockets on Windows
* Fixed wrong caps/joints in line style returned by `readGraphicsData()`
* Added `openfl_hack_fix_chrome_text` define to workaround a bug in Chrome that garbles text
* Added `openfl_disable_text_measurement_cache` define to allow the `TextField` shape measurement cache to be optionally disabled

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