Building openPMD-api now requires a compiler that supports C++17 or newer.
``MPark.Variant`` is not a dependency anymore (kudos and thanks for the great time!).
Python 3.10 & 3.11 are now supported, Python 3.6 is removed.
openPMD-api now depends on `toml11 <https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11>`__ 3.7.1+.
pybind11 2.10.1 is now the minimally supported version for Python support.
Catch2 2.13.10 is now the minimally supported version for tests.
The following backend-specific members of the ``Dataset`` class have been removed: ``Dataset::setChunkSize()``, ``Dataset::setCompression()``, ``Dataset::setCustomTransform()``, ``Dataset::chunkSize``, ``Dataset::compression``, ``Dataset::transform``.
They are replaced by backend-specific options in the JSON-based backend configuration.
This can be passed in ``Dataset::options``.
The following configuration shows a compression configuration for ADIOS1 and ADIOS2:
.. code-block:: json
"adios1": {
"dataset": {
"transform": "blosc:compressor=zlib,shuffle=bit,lvl=1;nometa"
"adios2": {
"dataset": {
"operators": [
"type": "zlib",
"parameters": {
"clevel": 9
Or alternatively, in TOML:
.. code-block:: toml
transform = "blosc:compressor=zlib,shuffle=bit,lvl=1;nometa"
type = "zlib"
parameters.clevel = 9
The helper function ``shareRaw`` of the C++ API has been deprecated.
In its stead, there are now new API calls ``RecordComponent::storeChunkRaw()`` and ``RecordComponent::loadChunkRaw``.
The **ADIOS1 backend** is now deprecated, to be replaced fully with ADIOS2.
Now is a good time to check if ADIOS2 is able to read old ADIOS1 datasets that you might have. Otherwise, ``openpmd-pipe`` can be used for conversion:
.. code-block:: bash
openpmd-pipe --infile adios1_dataset_%T.bp --inconfig 'backend = "adios1"' --outfile adios2_dataset_%T.bp --outconfig 'backend = "adios2"'
The class structure of ``Container`` and deriving classes has been reworked.
Usage of the API generally stays the same, but code that relies on the concrete class structure might break.
The ``Iteration::closedByWriter()`` attribute has been deprecated as a leftover from the early streaming implementation.
.. code-block:: cpp
double const * data;
recordComponent.storeChunk(shareRaw(data), offset, extent);
.. code-block:: cpp
double const * data;
recordComponent.storeChunkRaw(data, offset, extent);
Additionally, ``determineDatatype`` now accepts pointer types (raw and smart pointers):
.. code-block:: cpp
std::vector<double> data;
Datatype dt = determineDatatype(shareRaw(data));
.. code-block:: cpp
std::vector<double> data;
Datatype dt = determineDatatype(data.data());
.. note::
``determineDatatype`` does not directly accept ``determineDatatype(data)``, since it's unclear if the result from that call would be ``Datatype::DOUBLE`` or ``Datatype::VEC_DOUBLE``.
In order to get the direct mapping between C++ type and openPMD datatype, use the template parameter of ``determineDatatype``: ``determineDatatype<decltype(data)>()`` or ``determineDatatype<std::vector<double>>()``.