The type system for ``Datatype::``s was refactored. Integer types are now represented by ``SHORT``, ``INT``, ``LONG`` and ``LONGLONG`` as fundamental C/C++ types. Python support enters "alpha" stage with fixed floating point storage and ``Attribute`` handling.
----------- **Date:** 2018-08-27
Improved output handling
Refactored and hardened for ``fileBased`` output. Records are not flushed before the ambiguity between scalar and vector records are resolved. Trying to write globally zero-extent records will throw gracefully instead of leading to undefined behavior in backends.
----------- **Date:** 2018-07-07
Refined fileBased Series & Python Data Load
A specification for iteration padding in filenames for ``fileBased`` series is introduced. Padding present in read iterations is detected and conserved in processing. Python builds have been simplified and python data loads now work for both meshes and particles.
----------- **Date:** 2018-06-18
Python Attributes, Better FS Handling and Runtime Checks
This release exposes openPMD attributes to Python. A new independent mechanism for verifying internal conditions is now in place. Filesystem support is now more robust on varying directory separators.
----------- **Date:** 2018-06-11
Initial Numpy Bindings
Adds first bindings for record component reading and writing. Fixes some minor CMake issues.
----------- **Date:** 2018-06-07
ADIOS1 Build Fixes & Less Flushes
We fixed build issues with the ADIOS1 backend. The number of performed flushes in backends was generally minimized.