* Add custom sitemap view and OPPS_SITEMAP_LANGUAGE and OPPS_SITEMAP_PUBLICATION_NAME params
* Create template tag `exclude_queryset_by` on Containers application
* Create template tag `filter_queryset_by` on Containers application
* Change API Engine restframework to piston
* * Easier to polymorphic work
* * Old api removed
* * Create `opps.api.ApiKeyAuthentication`
* Add Atom feed urls 119
* Fix image_obj template tag when sending Nonetype image
* Create Opps Vagrant box to help other contributors
* Added support to ajax requests with extends_parent variable in template context
* Write logging contrib application 275
* Fixed run tests on celery, because use Calling Tasks
* Update fixture example
* Fix test running on Django 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 145
* * Change test folder, opps/<application>/tests to tests/<application>
* * Used nose
* Create `OPPS_CORE_APPS`, recommend used on INSTALLED_APPS
* Get queryset (boxes) on get_containerbox (template tags containers), if exist queryset (on containerbox)
* Change ChannelListFilter. Now every parent channel will have an additional /* value on the lookups values
* Add context `breadcrumb` on get_context_data generic views (base)
* Add try_values and cache_obj template tags
* Change BaseBoxAdmin queryset permissions
* opps.contrib.mobile.middleware do not change ``settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS`` on the fly any more, it now use a thread-local variable
* Fix breadcrumb context variable
* Fix template tag `get_post_content`, change folder name articles to containers (Standard Opps 0.2.x)
* Fix filter_queryset_by and exclude_queryset_by when queryset is sliced
* Added extra_context to get_containerbox template tag
* Fix spaced and empty string tags creation
* Fix embedded album image order on Posts
* Containers in home page have direct url without channel, example: site.com/content_slug.html instead of site.com/home/content_slug.html
* Fix url pattern from flatpages, now accept slugs with dashs
* Add `get_custom_field_value` template tag
* Fix None hat field on Mirror creation
* Fix `main_image` caption population on Albums
* Add new `hat` field on Channel model
* Fix channel delete when it has some containers on it.
* Fix bug on mirror channel, if not used mirror channel resource, ref 310
* Fix TagList when home channel has a different layout. Issue 308
* Add Exclude field on QuerySet model of Boxes app. Issue 309