* Content type (Container)
* Isoled boxes application
* ContainerBox, generic box (concept)
* Used Container in all application
* Archives, file manager
* Images used archives
* Used RST on README, pypi compatibility
* Add contrib pattern (like django)
* Upgrade haystack to 2.0 (stable)
* Opps Generic Views
* New view format, used to URLs pattern
* Add Grappelli dependence of the project
* Create Opps DB (NoSQL Database architecture)
* Add redis support (Opps BD)
* Contrib notification, central message exchange between container
* * websocket support
* * sse support
* * long pulling support
* Add field highlight on ContainerBox option
* Fix bug generic view list, get recursive channel list
* Dynamic fields on container, via JSONField
* * Text
* * Textarea
* * Checkbox
* * Radio
* Fix template tag ``image_obj``
* Add optional container filtering by child_class in ListView
* fix flatpage url
* Adding .html in containers url