- ``Vector3d.from_path_ends()`` class method to get vectors between two vectors.
- Convenience function ``plot.format_labels()`` to get nicely formatted vector labels to
use when plotting vectors.
- Two offsets in the stereographic coordinates (X, Y) can be given to
``StereographicPlot.text()`` to offset text coordinates.
- Explicit support for Python 3.11.
- Creating quaternions from neo-eulerian vectors via new class methods
``from_rodrigues()`` and ``from_homochoric()``, replacing the now deprecated
``from_neo_euler()``. ``from_rodrigues()`` accepts an angle parameter to allow passing
Rodrigues-Frank vectors.
- Creating neo-eulerian vectors from quaternions via new methods ``to_axes_angles()``,
``to_rodrigues()`` and ``to_homochoric()``. Rodrigues-Frank vectors can be returned
from ``to_rodrigues()`` by passing ``frank=True``.
- ``inv()`` method for ``Quaternion``, ``Rotation``, ``Orientation``, and
``Misorientation``. For the three first, its behavior is identical to the inversion
operator ``~``. For misorientations, it inverts the direction of the transformation.
Convenient for chaining operations.
- The ``random()`` methods of ``Orientation`` and ``Misorientation`` now accept
``symmetry``. A ``random()`` method is also added to ``Vector3d`` and ``Miller``, the
latter accepting a ``phase``.
- Function ``orix.sampling.get_sample_reduced_fundamental()`` for sampling rotations
that rotate the Z-vector (0, 0, 1) onto the fundamental sector of the Laue group of a
given ``Symmetry``.
- The ``convention`` parameter in ``from_euler()`` and ``to_euler()`` will be removed in
the next minor release, 0.13, instead of release 1.0 as previously stated.
- Allow passing a tuple of integers to ``reshape()`` methods of 3D objects.
- ``random()`` methods no longer accept a list as a valid shape: pass a tuple instead.
- Increase minimal version of Matplotlib to >= 3.5.
- Support for Python 3.7.
- Creating quaternions from neo-eulerian vectors via ``from_neo_euler()`` is deprecated
and will be removed in v0.13. Use the existing ``from_axes_angles()`` and the new
``from_rodrigues()`` and ``from_homochoric()`` instead.
- Transparency of polar stereographic grid lines can now be controlled by Matplotlib's
``grid.alpha``, just like the azimuth grid lines.
- Previously, ``Phase`` did not adjust atom positions when forcing
``Phase.structure.lattice.base`` to use the crystal axes alignment ``e1 || a``,
``e3 || c*``. This is now fixed.