
Latest version: v0.13.2

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- ``orix.quaternion.Quaternion`` now relies on `numpy-quaternion
<https://quaternion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ for quaternion conjugation,
quaternion-quaternion and quaternion-vector multiplication, and quaternion-quaternion
and quaternion-vector outer products.
- Rounding in functions, e.g. ``Object3d.unique()`` and ``Rotation.unique()``, is now
set consistently at 12 dp.

- ``Miller.in_fundamental_sector()`` doesn't raise errors.
- ``Miller.unique()`` now correctly returns unique vectors due to implemented rounding.



- Python 3.10 support.
- Option to pass figure initialization keyword arguments to Matplotlib via plotting

- ``Orientation`` disorientation angles and dot products returned from ``angle_with()``
and ``dot()`` and ``dot_outer()``, which now calculates the misorientation as
``other * ~self``. Disorientation angles ``(o2 - o1).angle`` and ``o1.angle_with(o2)``
are now the same.
- The inverse indices returned from ``Rotation.unique()`` now correctly recreate the
original ``Rotation`` instance.
- Handling of property arrays in .ang writer with multiple values per map point.
- ``CrystalMap``'s handling of a mask of which points are in the data.



- ``FundamentalSector`` class of vector normals describing a fundamental sector in the
stereographic projection, typically the inverse pole figure of a ``Symmetry``.
- ``Symmetry.fundamental_sector`` attribute with a ``FundamentalSector`` for that
- ``StereographicPlot.restrict_to_sector()`` to restrict the stereographic projection to
a sector, typically the inverse pole figure of a ``Symmetry``.
- ``StereographicPlot.stereographic_grid()`` to control the azimuth and polar grid
- Sampling of vectors in UV mesh on a unit sphere (*S2*).
- ``ndim`` attribute to Object3d and derived classes which returns number of navigation
- Setting the symmetry of a (Mis)Orientation via a ``symmetry.setter``.
- Projection of vectors into the fundamental sector (inverse pole figure) of a symmetry.
- Plotting of orientations within an inverse pole figure given a Laue symmetry and
sample direction.
- Inverse pole figure colouring of orientations given a Laue symmetry and sample
- ``from_axes_angles()`` method to ``Rotation`` and ``Orientation`` as a shortcut to
``from_neo_euler()`` for axis/angle pairs.
- ``Orientation`` based classes now accept a ``symmetry`` argument upon initialisation.
- Euler angle colouring of orientations given a proper point group symmetry.
- Simple unit cell orientation plotting with ``plot_unit_cell`` for ``Orientation``

- ``StereographicPlot`` doesn't use Matplotlib's ``transforms`` framework anymore, and
(X, Y) replaces (azimuth, polar) as internal coordinates.
- Renamed ``Symmetry`` method ``fundamental_sector()`` to ``fundamental_zone()``.
- ``Orientation`` class methods ``from_euler``, ``from_matrix``, and ``from_neo_euler``
no longer return the smallest angle orientation when a ``symmetry`` is given.
- ``CrystalMap.orientations`` no longer returns smallest angle orientation.
- The methods ``flatten``, ``reshape``, and ``squeeze`` have been overridden in
``Misorientation`` based classes to maintain the initial symmetry of the returned
- ``Rotation.to_euler()`` returns angles in the ranges (0, 2 pi), (0, pi), and
(0, 2 pi).
- ``CrystalMap.get_map_data()`` doesn't round values by default anymore. Passing
``decimals=3`` retains the old behaviour.
- ``CrystalMap.plot()`` doesn't override the Matplotlib status bar by default anymore.
Passing ``override_status_bar=True`` retains the old behaviour.

- The ``data_dim`` attribute of Object3d and all derived classes is deprecated from 0.8
and will be removed in 0.9. Use ``ndim`` instead.
- Setting (Mis)Orientation symmetry via ``set_symmetry()`` is deprecated in 0.8, in
favour of setting it directly via a ``symmetry.setter``, and will be removed in 0.9.
Use ``map_into_symmetry_reduced_zone()`` instead.

- ``StereographicPlot`` methods ``azimuth_grid()`` and ``polar_grid()``.
Use ``stereographic_grid()`` instead.
- ``from_euler()`` no longer accepts ``"Krakow_Hielscher"`` as a convention, use
``"MTEX"`` instead.

- ``CrystalMap.get_map_data()`` can return an array of shape (3,) if there are that many
points in the map.
- Reading of point groups with "-" sign, like -43m, from EMsoft h5ebsd files.



- Memory-efficient calculation of a misorientation angle (geodesic distance) matrix
between orientations using Dask.
- Symmetry reduced calculations of dot products between orientations.
- Two notebooks on clustering of orientations (not misorientations) across fundamental
region boundaries are added to the user guide from the orix-demos repository.
- Convenience method ``Misorientation.scatter()`` (and subclasses) to plot orientations
in either axis-angle or Rodrigues fundamental zone.
- Method ``Object3d.get_random_sample()``, inherited by all 3D objects, returning a new
flattened instance with elements drawn randomly from the original instance.
- Add ``transpose()`` method to all 3D classes to transpose navigation dimensions.
- Reading of a ``CrystalMap`` from orientation data in Bruker's HDF5 file format.
- Uniform sampling of orientation space using cubochoric sampling.

- ``to_euler()`` changed internally, "Krakow_Hielscher" deprecated, use "MTEX" instead.
- Default orientation space sampling method from "haar_euler" to "cubochoric".



- Python 3.9 support.
- User guide with Jupyter notebooks as part of the Read the Docs documentation.
- ``CrystalMap.plot()`` method for easy plotting of phases, properties etc.
- .ang file writer for CrystalMap objects (via ``orix.io.save()``).
- ``Miller`` class, inheriting functionality from the ``Vector3d`` class, to handle
operations with direct lattice vectors (uvw/UVTW) and reciprocal lattice vectors
- ``Vector3d.scatter()`` and ``Vector3d.draw_circle()`` methods to show unit vectors and
great/small circles in stereographic projection.
- Stereographic plot using Matplotlib's ``transforms`` framework for plotting vectors,
great/small circles, and symmetry elements.
- ``projections`` module for projecting vectors to various coordinates, including
stereographic coordinates.
- ``CrystalMap.empty()`` class method to create empty map of a given shape with identity
- Sampling of *SO(3)* now provided via two methods (up from the one in previous
- Warning when trying to create rotations from large Euler angles.
- Passing symmetry when initializing an ``Orientation``.
- Overloaded division for ``Vector3d`` (left hand side) by numbers and suitably shaped
array-like objects.

- Names of spherical coordinates for the ``Vector3d`` class, ``phi`` to ``azimuth``,
``theta`` to ``polar``, and ``r`` to ``radial``. Similar changes to to/from_polar
parameter names.
- ``CrystalMap.get_map_data()`` tries to respect input data type, other minor
- Continuous integration migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.

- Symmetry is preserved when creating a misorientation from orientations or when
inverting orientations.
- Reading of properties (scores etc.) from EMsoft h5ebsd files with certain map shapes.
- Reading of crystal symmetry from EMsoft h5ebsd dot product files in CrystalMap plugin.



- This project now keeps a Changelog.
- Testing for Python 3.8 on macOS.

- ``CrystalMap`` properties allow arrays with number of dimensions greater than 2.
- .ang file reader now recognises phase IDs defined in the header.
- EMsoft file reader reads unrefined Euler angles correctly.

How to make a new release of ``orix``

After version 0.9.0, orix's branching model changed to one similar to the Gitflow
Workflow (`original blog post

orix versioning adheres to `Semantic Versioning
See the `Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 440 <https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/>`__
for supported version identifiers.

- Locally, create a minor release branch from the ``develop`` branch when making a minor
release, or create a patch release branch from the ``main`` branch when making a patch
release. Ideally, a patch release is published immediately after a bug fix is merged
in ``main``. Therefore, it might be best to do the release updates directly on the bug
fix branch, so that no separate patch release branch has to be made.

- Run tutorial notebooks examples in the documentation locally and confirm that they
produce expected results.

- Review the contributors ``__credits__`` in ``orix/__init__.py`` to ensure everyone is
included and sorted correctly. Use the same ordering in the ``.zenodo.json`` file.
Take care to format the Zenodo metadata file correctly (e.g. no trailing commas).

- Increment ``__version__`` in ``orix/__init__.py``, e.g. from "0.9.0" to "0.9.1" for a
patch release. If downstream packages should test their use of the next version of
orix in CI before it is released, or we want to ensure that the below release steps
work as expected, a release candidate with version e.g. "0.9.1rc1" can be made. Update
``CHANGELOG.rst`` accordingly.

- Make a PR of the release branch to ``main``. Discuss the release and changelog with
others. Merge.

Tag and release
- If ``__version__`` in ``orix/__init__.py`` on ``main`` has changed in a new commit, a
tagged annotated release *draft* is automatically created. If ``__version__`` is now

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