🐛 Fixed Bugs
* Admonition modal min 40 columns wide instead of 8 — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix arg passing to ``ozi-new project`` — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix arg passing using chain — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-fix interactive): fix KeyError when editing classifiers — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-fix interactive): fix argument outputs — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
📌 Pinned Dependencies
* ozi-templates~=2.4.0
See https://github.com/OZI-Project/ozi-templates/releases/tag/2.4.0 for more info. — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ozi-templates~=2.3.4
fixes missing ``OSI Approved :: ... Unlicense ... `` folder missing. — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ozi-templates~=2.3.3 — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>