🐛 Fixed Bugs
* 🏷️(ozi-new interactive) fix overlapping default conditional — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix option arg setting — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): use mapping for setting args — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* correct zlib to Zlib — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ✏️: correct license short ids — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): args output fixed and project_urls added — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ✏️ fix EUPL license IDs — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* fix missing License :: Eiffel Forum License (EFL) — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix missing license suggestions — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* missing licenses and unsupported licenses list added — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* fix list indexing in license_expression — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* fix license expression dialog crash — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix list argument rendering — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix arg quoting — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): hide cursor and wrap lines in Admonitions — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): correct handling of list args
* (ozi-new): accept standard Requires-Dist argument form
* ``SPDX_LICENSE_MAP: dict[str, Sequence[str]]`` — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* (ozi-new interactive): fix license_expression dialog typing — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
📌 Pinned Dependencies
* ozi-templates~=2.3.2 — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ozi-templates~=2.3.1 — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* ozi-templates~=2.3.0 — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>
* 🚨(ozi-new interactive): run lint — rjdbcm <ozi.projectoutlook.com>