- Applications can be provisioned in the same environment more than once with a new
"app{suffix}" syntax for an environments application keys.
- INotificationGroups has a regions field, if it is the default of ['ALL'] it will apply to
all of a project's active regions. Otherwise is will just provision in the selected region(s).
- ICloudFormationInit for modelling AWS::CloudFormation::Init, which can be applied to
the IASG.cfn_init field.
- ICloudWatchLogAlarm schema. ICloudWatchAlarm now has "type: Alarm" and if it is "type: LogAlarm"
an ICloudWatchLogAlarm will be created which can be used to connect an alarm to a MetricFilter
of a LogGroup.
- IDBParameterGrouups resource.
- IElastiCache has `description` and `cache_clusters` fields, while IElastiCacheRedis has `snapshot_retention_limit_days`
and `snapshot_window` fields.
- IRDS has new `license_model`, `cloudwatch_logs_export` and `deletion_protection` fields.
- `global_role_name` field for IAM Role can be set to True and the RoleName
will not be hashed. Can only be used for global Roles, otherwise if these
Roles overlap per-environment, things will break!
- `monitoring.health_checks` which can contain HealthCheck Resources.
IRoute53HealthCheck resource for Route53 health checks.
- `region_name` property can be overrode if a `overrode_region_name` attribute is set.
- Added a CodeBuild IAM Permission for IAM Users
- Added `resolve_ref` method to DeploymentPipelineConfiguration
- Added the EIP Application Resource and a support 'eip' field to the ASG resource for associating an EIP with a single instance ASG.
- Added AWS Cli install commands to vocabulary.
- Added `dns` to EIP Application Resource
- Added `cftemplate_iam_user_delegates_2019_10_02` legacy flag to make user delegate role stack names consistent with others.
- Added `route53_hosted_zone_2019_10_12` legacy flag for Route53 CFTemplate refactor.
- Added `route53_record_set_2019_10_16` legacy flag for the Route53 RecordSet refactor.
- Added `availability_zone` for locking in an ASG to a single Availability Zone.
- Added `parameter_group` to IElastiCache Application Resource
- Added `vpc_associations` to IPrivateHosted.
- Added `vpc_config` to the ILambda Application Resources
- Added `secrets_manager` to IIEnvironmentDefault.
- Added `ttl` to IDNS
- Added caching to instance AMI ID function.ref lookups.
- Added the EBS Application Resources.
Added `ebs_volume_mounts` to IASG to mount volumes to single instance groups.
- Added `launch_options` to IASG as an IEC2LaunchOptions object. The initial option is update_packages which will update the linux distributions packages on launch.
- Added resolve_ref() to Resource in base.py as a catch all.
- ISecurityGroupRule `source_security_group` was moved to IIngressRule and IEgressRule (finally!)
has a `destination_security_group` field.
- `load_resources` was removed and you can now simply apply_attributes to
an Application and it will recurse through app.groups.<groupname>.resources.<resourcename>
without any external fiddling.
- Moved deepdiff CLI functions into `aim` project.
- IApplication is now IMonitorable. Alarms at the Application level must
specify their Namespace and Dimensions.
- Changed RDS `primary_domain_name` and `primary_hosted_zone` to an IDNS object
- Alarm overrides are now cast to the schema of the field. Fixes "threshold: 10" loading as in int()
when the schema expects a float().