
Latest version: v7.8.22

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- New field `paco.models.reference.FileReference` which resolves the path and replaces
the original value with the value of the file indicated by the path.
IApiGatewayRestApi.body_file_location uses this new field.

- ApiGatewayRestApi and CloudWatchAlarm have a `cfn_export_dict` property that
returns a new dict that can be used to created Troposphere resources.

- Added external_resource support to the ACM

- Added ReadOnly support to the Administrator IAMUserPermission


- Multi-Dimension Alarms now need to specify an `paco.ref` as the Value.

- Added IAMUser schemas and loading for IAM users.

- Added a CommaList() schema type for loading comma separated lists into schema.List()

- Moved aim reference generation into the Model. Model objects now have .paco_ref and
.paco_ref_parts properties which contain their paco.ref reference.

- Renamed project['ne'] to project['netenv']

- Modified NatGateway segments to aim references


- Invariants were not being check for resources. Invariants need to be checked by the
loader if they are not contained in a `zope.schema.Object` field, which will run the
check behind the scenes.




- IVPCPeering and IVPCPeeringRoute have been added to the model for VPC Peering support.

- Added a CloudTrail schema configured in `Resources/CloudTrail.yaml`.

- IS3BucketPolicy now has `principal` and `condition` fields.
`principal` can be either a Key-Value dictionary, where the key is either 'AWS', 'Service', etc.
and the value can be either a String or a List. It is an alternate to the `aws` field, which will
remain for setting simpler AWS-only principals.
The `condition` field is a Key-Value dictionary of Key-Value filters.

- Alarm now has 'get_alarm_actions' and 'get_alarm_description' to help construct alarms.

- CloudTrail has a 'get_accounts' which will resolve the CloudTrail.accounts field to a list
of Account objects in the model.

- IAlarm has `description` and `runbook_url` fields.

- CodePipeBuildDeploy.resolve_ref() function covers wider scope of ref lookups

- Added VPCPeering to the model.

- Added IElastiCache and IElastiCacheRedis to the model.


- `MonitorConfig/LogSets.yaml` has been renamed to `MonitorConfig/Logging.yaml`. CloudWatch
logging is under the top level `cw_logging` key. The schema has been completely reworked
so that LogGroups and LogSets are properly modelled.

- IAccount.region, IEC2KeyPair.region and ICredentials.aws_default_region no longer have
`us-west-2` as a default. The region needs to be explicity set.


- IAlarm.classification is now a required field.




- aim-project-version.txt file in the root directory can now contain the AIM Project YAML
version. IProject now has an paco_project_version field to store this value.

- ICloudWatchAlarm gets a namespace field. Can be used to override the default
Resource namespace, for example, use 'CWAgent' for the CloudWatch agent metrics.

- IResource now has a resource_fullname field. The fullname is the name needed to
specify for a metric in a CloudWatch Alarm.

- ICloudWatchAlarm now has a dimensions field, which is a List of Dimension objects.

- ITargetGroup now inherits from IResource. It loads resource_name from outputs.




- New `MonitorConfig/NotificationGroups.yaml` that contains subscription groups for notifications.

- sdb_cache field for Lambda.

- Lambda can have alarms.

- ISNSTopic and ISNSTopicSubscription to model SNS.


- All references have been renamed to start with ``paco.ref`` for consistency.

- AlarmSets, AlarmSet and Alarm all now implement INamed and
are locatable in the model

- Service plugins can load their outputs




- Schema for Notifications for subscribing to Alarms

- Added S3Resource for Resources/S3.yml configuration

- Added Lambda resolve_ref support


- Services are loaded as entry_point plugins named ``

- Refactored the models applications, resources, and services.

- Renamed IRoute53 to IRoute53Resource.


- CloudWatchAlarms now validate a classification field value of
'performance', 'health' or 'security' is supplied.




- Added function.ref to be able to look-up latest AMI IDs

- Added more constraints to the schemas.

- Added default to IS3Bucket.policy

- Added Route53 to schema and model

- Added redirect to Listner rules in the ALB


- Description attribute for Fields is now used to describe constraints.

- Ported CodeCommit to schema and model

- Refactored S3 to use Application StackGroup

- CPBD artifacts s3 bucket now uses S3 Resource in NetEnv yaml instead

- Converted the ALB's listener and listener rules to dicts from lists


- Removed unused yaml config from pacodemo under fixtures.

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