
Latest version: v0.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 663899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- chore(travis): stop PY2 builds, reduce use of *future* lib
- fix(xleash, 10): numpy-warning raised bc diffing booleans


- pandas filter updates to `0.19.1`.
- `utils.ensure_file_ext()` accepts multiple extensions/regexes.


- remove unused features: doit, tkUI.
- travis-test on CONDA-->"standard" py; test also unde4r PY36-dev.


- xleash:
- Plugins for backends and filters.
- Packaging now supports 3 extras:

- ``xlrd`` for the typical backend plugin,
- ``xlwings`` for the new backend, excel-utils & tests,
- ``pandas`` for filters plugins.

- FIX & rename pandas-filter ``series --> sr`` - did not return a ``Lasso``.
- Always convert xl-ref paths a "local" or "remote" urls to facilitate
backends & use their `url.params` instead of filter `opts`.
- Rename ``io._sheets --> io.backend``.

- xlutils, deps: Upgraded to ``xlwings-0.9.x`` released Aug/2/2016
(see `migration guide <>`_)
- Dropped util-functions (provided by now `xlwings`) or renamed:

- ``xlutils.get_active_workbook()``
- ``xlutils.get_workbook()``
- ``tests._tutils.xw_Workbook() --> tests._tutils.xw_no_save_Workbook()``

- utils: Add more file/str functions from co2mpas-sampling
(which/where, convpath, convert to/from came_case, publicize norm/abs paths)
- Unfortunately, Travis were down during the release (actually logs did not work),
so TCs fail :-(


- chore(deps): unpin OpenPyXL==1.8.6, openpyxl-444 & pandas-10125 have been fixed.
- fix(pandas): FIX pandas-v0.19+ dataframe-filter reading code


- xleash:

- Make ``_parse_xlref_fragment()`` public (remove ``'_'`` from prefix).
- 7: FIX ``"df"`` filter to read multi-index excel-tables
that is supported since ``pandas-v0.16.x``.

- Add API for returning sheet-names: ``SheetsFactory.list_sheetnames()``
and ``Sheet.list_sheetnames()``.
- Mark as "beta" in python trove-classifiers - del non-release opening note.

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