- xleash:
- 6: Gracefully handle absolute-paths & file-URLs.
- 8: Accept xlrefs with only sheets (without rect edges)s.
- 9: always return [] on empty sheets.
- **Known issues:** TCs related to asteval and pandas-multi-indexing fail
and need investigation/fixing respectively.
- pandata: Add ``resolve_path()`` supporting also relative-paths.
- TravisCI: Run TCs also on *py3.5*, stop testing on *py3.3*.
- **Known issues:** Dev-dependencies required for installation (regression).
- v0.1.9 (Dec-2015):
- pstep: Add ``pstep_from_df()`` utility.
- v0.1.8 (Sep-2015):
- deps: Do not require flake8.
- v0.1.7 (Sep-2015):
- deps: Do not enforce pandas/numpy version.
- v0.1.6 (Sep-2015):
- xleash: Minor forgotten regression from previous fix context-sheet.
- pstep: Make steps work as pandas-indexes.
- v0.1.5 (Sep-2015): properly fix context-sheet on `Ranger` anf `SheetsFactory`.
- v0.1.4 (Sep-2015): xleash fixes
- xleash: Temporarily-Hacked for not closing sibling-sheets.
- xleash: handle gracefully targeting-failures as *empty* captures.
- v0.1.3 (Sep-2015):
- xleash: perl-quoting xlrefs to avoid being treated as python-comments.