- In `Fieldset.from_netcdf()`, the format of `filenames` argument has been enriched (463).
As before, `filenames` can be:
- list of files
- dictionaries of list of files, where the dictionary keys are field names
On top of that, `filenames` can now be:
- dictionaries of lists of files, where the dictionary keys are dimension names: `filenames[dimension_name] = [files]`
- dictionaries of dictionaries of lists of files: `filenames[field_name][dimension_name] = [files]`
This particularly affects the function `Fieldset.from_nemo()`:
New `filenames` looks like:
filenames = {'U': {'lon': data_path + 'mesh_mask.nc4',
'lat': data_path + 'mesh_mask.nc4',
'data': data_path + 'U_purely_zonal-ORCA025_grid_U.nc4'},
'V': {'lon': data_path + 'mesh_mask.nc4',
'lat': data_path + 'mesh_mask.nc4',
'data': data_path + 'V_purely_zonal-ORCA025_grid_V.nc4'}}
instead of:
filenames = {'U': data_path + 'U_purely_zonal-ORCA025_grid_U.nc4',
'V': data_path + 'V_purely_zonal-ORCA025_grid_V.nc4',
'mesh_mask': data_path + 'mesh_mask.nc4'}
This modification enables to easily read 3d curvilinear NEMO fields, when the depth dimension is in the data-files.
- A new `TimeConverter` class converts between dates and the number of seconds that Parcels uses under the hood. This enables to read netcdf files with less common time formats, such as NOLEAP. (456)
- New `netcdf_engine` as argument for `Fieldset.from_netcdf()`, enables to open netcdf files with a different engine when the default netcdf4 engine does not work. (460)
- Improved error messages for C-kernel generator (457)
- Minor bug fixes
Note that it is now recommended to use a recent version of xarray (>=0.10.8) together with Parcels, since it better parses some netcdf files used by common OGCMs.