- Support for many more types of Grids, including curvilinear (horizontal) and s-grids (vertical) (262) - Added a Brownian diffusion kernel. More diffusion kernels to come in future versions (269) - Easier API for repeated particle release (261) - Support for `Fields` with different `Grids` in one `FieldSet` (241) - Support on Windows OS (236) and easier install on macOS and Linux (228) - Many bugfixes and tweaks
Future work now will focus on efficiency and parallelisation of Parcels. Thanks to all who contributed to this version 1.0!
Parcels v0.9 is a fully-functional, feature-complete code for offline Lagrangian ocean analysis. This version 0.9 is focussed on laying out the API, with future work concentrating on optimisation, efficiency and at-runtime integration with OGCMs.